Clear skies, heat climate makes a comeback in Pune


After a short break, clear sky situations returned to the town. As a end result, day temperatures rose marginally from the start of the week.

The most temperature was recorded at 33.7 diploma Celsius in Shivajinagar and 36 diploma Celsius in Lohegaon.

The newest forecast launched by the India Meteorological Department suggests the potential of gentle depth rain and lightning on Sunday night. On Sunday, the utmost temperature is predicted to be round 34 levels whereas the minimal temperature is near 23 levels.

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# Location-wise Air Quality Index (AQI) Forecast – May 23, 2021

Pune City AQI – 78 – Satisfactory

(Source: Safar, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune)

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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