WTA Tour, Players React to Naomi Osaka: Talking to Media Part of Job


Naomi Osaka’s announcement that she wouldn’t attend information conferences throughout the French Open was a pure, if barely awkward, subject of dialogue on the match media day already awkward because it was held by way of video convention.

“I understand why she does it. I respect her opinion,” mentioned Daniel Medvedev, ranked No. 2 in tennis, on Friday at Roland Garros, echoing a standard sentiment because the parade of the sport’s high gamers While doing – however after all, Osaka – time spent questioning reporters in a pre-competition ritual two days earlier than the beginning of the motion.

“Me, I have no problem”, he mentioned whereas coping with journalists, Medvedev added to one of many afternoon’s navel-gazing moments whereas answering a query from a journalist. “I always try to get into a press conference, a bad mood or a good mood. And I think sometimes even in a bad mood, I can be in a better mood after talking to you guys.”

Other gamers, together with 13-time French Open champion Rafael Nadal and top-ranked lady Ash Barty, and the ladies’s skilled tennis tour mentioned that speaking to reporters was a necessity for his or her work.

Nadal mentioned, “Without the press … we might not have been the athletes we are today.”

“We (don’t) have an identity around the world, and we won’t be that popular, no?”

Four-time Grand Slam champion Osaka, who’s ranked No. 2, mentioned on Wednesday by way of a Twitter submit that she was not going to take part within the back-and-forth commonplace with the media in Paris – the form of factor each athlete does. I do each sport frequently.

Three-time main semifinalist Johanna Konta mentioned, “There is a lot of truth in what she said, but then, being a professional athlete has expectations and commitments as well, and that’s one.” twentieth, “So it’s about finding the right balance.”

In Grand Slam tournaments, gamers are fined as much as 20,000 USD if they’re requested to talk and to not.

This is just not a lot discouraging for Osaka, the world’s highest-grossing feminine athlete, who framed it as a psychological well being situation and mentioned that he hopes that no matter comes from his prize cash will come to him. Donations will likely be made to a charity within the space.

Osaka wrote, “We often sit there and ask questions that have been asked to us many times before or have been asked questions that raise doubts in our mind and I am not going to subject myself to those people Who doubt me. “

On Friday, the WTA Tour reminded Osaka of his “responsibility” to work together with reporters.

A press release was emailed to the Associated Press on Friday by a WTA spokesperson and attributed to the tour: “The WTA welcomes a dialogue with Naomi (and all players) to discuss potential approaches that support an athlete Can help because they manage any concerns related to mental health, while also allowing us to fulfill our responsibilities to fans and the public. Professional athletes have a responsibility to their sport and their fans They talk to the media around their competition, giving them an opportunity to share their perspective and tell their story. “

The French Tennis Federation didn’t reply to a request for remark.

“In my opinion, the press is part of the job. We know what we join as knowledgeable tennis participant. … Sometimes, press conferences are robust, after all, however it’s not one thing Is what bothers me. … For me, personally, nothing I say and listen to or what you guys ask me does not hold me up at night time. So I attempt to lighten it up somewhat bit And have somewhat enjoyable with you guys, ”mentioned Barty, the 2019 French Open champion.

“To me, it’s a little different, but I personally can’t comment on (Osaka) what she’s doing,” Barty mentioned, “so I guess you have to ask her the next time you ask her Chat. “

Who is aware of when this can occur?

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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