Fire breaks out in Iran’s largest warship, sinks in Gulf of Oman


Semi-official information businesses reported that the Iranian Navy’s largest warship caught hearth and later sank within the Gulf of Oman on Wednesday below unclear circumstances.

Fars and Tasnim information businesses mentioned efforts to salvage the assist battleship Kharag, named after the island that serves as the principle oil terminal for Iran, had failed.

Fars mentioned the hearth began round 2:25 a.m. and firefighters tried to place it below management. The ship sank close to the Iranian port of Jask, about 1,270 kilometers (790 mi) southeast of Tehran, close to the Strait of Hormuz on the Gulf of Oman, close to the slim mouth of the Persian Gulf.

Images circulated on Iranian social media of sailors carrying life jackets taking out the ship as a hearth burning behind them. State TV and semi-official information businesses referred to Kharag as a “training ship”. Fars revealed a video of thick, darkish smoke billowing out of the ship early Wednesday.

Satellite pictures from Planet Labs Inc., analyzed by the Associated Press, confirmed Kharag to the west of Jask on Tuesday. U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration satellites monitoring the hearth from area detected a hearth on the web site of Jask that began simply earlier than the time of the hearth reported by Fares.

Kharag serves as one of many few ships of the Iranian Navy able to offering replenishment at sea for its different ships. It may raise heavy cargo and function a launch level for helicopters. The warship, inbuilt Britain and launched in 1977, entered the Iranian Navy in 1984 after lengthy negotiations following Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution.

Iran’s navy normally patrols the Gulf of Oman and the broader seas, whereas the nation’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard operates within the Strait of Hormuz and shallow waters of the Persian Gulf. In current months, nonetheless, the Navy launched a barely bigger industrial tanker known as the Makran, which was transformed to carry out an identical operate to the Kharag.

Iranian officers didn’t give any motive for the hearth in Kharag. However, it comes after a collection of mysterious explosions that started in 2019 concentrating on ships within the Gulf of Oman. The US Navy later accused Iran of concentrating on ships with lame mines, timed explosives normally connected to a ship’s hull by divers.

Iran denied concentrating on the ships, though US Navy footage confirmed members of the Revolutionary Guard eradicating an unexplained lame mine from a ship. The incidents got here amid heightened tensions between the US and Iran after then-President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew the US from Tehran’s nuclear cope with world powers.

In April, an Iranian ship known as the MV Saviz, believed to be a guard base and anchored for years in Yemen’s Red Sea, was focused in an assault that was suspected of being carried out by Israel. This escalated the shadow battle between the 2 international locations within the waters of the Middle East for years.

The sinking of Kharag marks the most recent naval catastrophe for Iran. During an Iranian army coaching train in 2020, a missile by accident hit a naval vessel close to the port of Jask, killing 19 sailors and injuring 15. Also in 2018, an Iranian naval destroyer sank within the Caspian Sea.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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