Hung Curd Vs Mayonnaise: What Should You Have?


A dollop of mayonnaise makes every thing—be it a sandwich or a burger—style scrumptious. But alternatively, it’s loaded with empty energy that don’t present any well being advantages. So why not attempt hung curd as a substitute of utilizing market-made mayonnaise?

In case, you might be nonetheless not satisfied, right here is your wholesome information from nutritionist Namami Agarwal by which she lists down the important thing variations between the 2.

Hung Curd: 1 tbsp

Calorie: 30 kcal
Protein: 9.6g
fats – 5g

* Rich in protein and calcium.
* Builds nice probiotic and immunity.
*Regulates ldl cholesterol and lowers blood stress.

Mayonnaise: 1 tbsp

Calorie: 94 kcal
Protein: 0g
Fat: 10g

*High in saturated fats which raises LDL levels of cholesterol.
*Sodium content material is excessive.

According to Agarwal, curd + low-fat curd or hung curd, which is constituted of full-fat curd, helps in digestion because it incorporates many good micro organism. “The probiotics in yogurt act as a mild laxative, but in case of diarrhea and dysentery, it is a boon if yogurt is used with rice. It helps with weight loss, is good for your heart , and builds immunity,” she mentioned.

How to make Hung Curd?

Regular curd might be transformed into hung curd by eliminating extra water. Put the required quantity of curd in a muslin fabric and tie the ends gently. Now hold the tied fabric in a single day. By subsequent morning hung curd might be prepared.

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With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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