Ruckus in Rajya Sabha: Delegation of ministers meets Venkaiah Naidu, calls for motion towards opposition leaders


With Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu contemplating motion towards opposition members within the Rajya Sabha for indecent habits on the final day of the monsoon session of Parliament on August 11, a delegation of seven ministers met him on Sunday and submitted a memorandum.

Sources mentioned that in the course of the assembly with Naidu, who can also be the chairman of the Rajya Sabha, the delegation of ministers on August 11 “demanded action against some opposition members for what they called unprecedented, extreme and violent acts in the House”. An official mentioned {that a} memorandum was submitted to the chairman on this regard. During the assembly, the ministers additionally talked about about stopping marshals from discharging their duties, the official mentioned.

“He will investigate the matter to decide on the appropriate course of action,” Naidu mentioned, the official mentioned.
According to sources, Naidu has consulted former and serving senior officers of the Rajya Sabha Secretariat to see what precedent permits and the type of motion the committee can advocate.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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