Over 100 civilians, veterans of armed forces write to President, PM Modi on hate speech


Five former chiefs of the armed forces and a number of other different distinguished residents together with bureaucrats have written a letter to President Ram Nath Kovind and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Recent incidents of hate speeches and urged them to take applicable measures.

In a letter, the group of over 100 folks additionally referred to the communal remarks In a program organized in Haridwar Recent and condemned such “incitement” to violence “in no uncertain terms”.

He mentioned within the letter, “We cannot allow such incitement to violence along with public expression of hatred – which not only constitutes a serious breach of internal security, but also the social fabric of our country.” may even break it.”

He additional mentioned, “Given the current situation on our borders, any violation of peace and harmony within the nation will encourage external forces to sway.”

“The unity and solidarity of our men and women in uniform, including the CAPFs and police forces, will be seriously affected by allowing such blatant calls for violence against one community or the other in our diverse and plural society.” “

The signatories included former Navy Chief Admiral (Retd) L Ramdas, Admiral (Retd) Vishnu Bhagwat, Admiral (Retd) Arun Prakash and Admiral (Retd) RK Dhawan.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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