20 Years Later, The Story Behind Guantanamo Photo That Won’t Go Away


Four months after the September 11 assaults, a photographer hoisted a digicam over shiny new razor wire and photographed 20 prisoners on their knees in orange uniforms, disguised, masked and with their heads bowed.

The picture ignited a debate about what the United States was doing in its offshore jail, which continues to at the present time. It grew to become some of the enduring, damaging photos of American detention coverage within the twenty first century.

But misplaced in time and collective reminiscence for a lot of, the photograph was no leaked picture of torture that was not for the general public to see. It was taken by a US Navy photographer, deliberately issued by the Department of Defense.

“I was doing exactly what I was assigned to do,” mentioned photographer Shane T. McCoy mentioned. “It was my job to document it. I absolutely had to photograph it. And I had to send it.”

The date was 11 January 2002. Local allies in Afghanistan and Pakistan captured tons of of suspected overseas fighters and Qaeda members and handed them over to the US army. The CIA had but to determine its secret jail community. The abuse of prisoners on the Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq was years away.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld mentioned an Air Force cargo aircraft had beforehand carried prisoners to a base in southeastern Cuba – the “least-worst spot” for the mission. McCoy, a petty officer on the time, labored on the opening day for the Elite Combat Camera Unit at Camp X-Ray.

A photograph taken by Shane T. McCoy on January 11, 2002 and launched by the US Navy reveals a feminine soldier, with the primary 20 prisoners at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, kneeling within the background shortly after their arrival. (Petty Officer First Class Shane T. McCoy/US Navy by way of The New York Times)

When the time comes, the United States will maintain about 780 prisoners on the distant outpost. Within just a few months, after the primary 300 prisoners have been introduced there, the Pentagon put in uncooked rows of cells welded from delivery containers. Later, the military constructed air-conditioned prisons, the place the final 39 prisoners are housed immediately.

For a succession of army commanders, the picture of these first 20 males sitting on their knees will not be far off.

Newspapers and magazines repeatedly republish it in articles about jail, base, and the United States’ warfare on terrorism. Protesters don the orange coloration and show it once more. Islamic State fighters grabbed it and dressed the hostages in vibrant orange garments, then killed them.

It has develop into so pervasive, so emblematic of American detention coverage that some folks do not understand that it was moved to the Guantanamo Bay, jail, which the George W. Bush administration made its showcase detention operation.

In a latest episode of “60 Minutes” a few former National Security Agency contractor who leaked a authorities doc, a Guantanamo photograph launched by the US army crammed the display screen as an instance the concept that the federal government had Has used the classification “to cover up wrongdoing” – for instance torture within the War on Terror.

How you take a look at that image, “depends on your politics, your awareness of Guantánamo and your capacity for empathy — whether anyone in your family has ever been in prison,” says Annie Wilkes Tucker, Said former curator of images on the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston.

“That picture will be interpreted and probably reinterpreted forever,” she mentioned. “It’s very rich, and can demand 180-degree interpretations. ‘More than half are probably innocent’ from ‘We got it.'”

A couple of hours earlier than the primary 20 males arrived, the Marines answerable for establishing Camp X-Ray, Brig. General Michael Lehnert described him as “the worst of the worst” of the captives in Afghanistan. It would finally develop into clear that this was not true.

A sentry tower at Camp X-Ray, the unique jail facility for detainees in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba on April 17, 2019. (Doug Mills/The New York Times)

Today solely two have been held. Eight of the primary 20 of them have been launched by the point Bush left workplace. No one was ever charged within the September 11 assaults.

In Senate testimony final month, Lehnert, who had retired as a significant common, known as the enterprise he misled, at odds with American values. He urged it to be closed.

McCoy, 47, and now a photographer for the US Marshals Service, remembered that day as a protracted one. He had break up duties with one other Navy photographer, and ended with a coin toss documenting the lads ready to register at a short lived, open-air holding compound.

He selected about 100 photos, wrote captions and despatched them to Washington.

About every week later, information organizations on the Pentagon have been calling for transparency within the new child custody marketing campaign in Cuba. Grainy, night-vision information footage circulated from Afghanistan confirmed American troopers main detainees in rags with baggage over their heads.

“The challenge was that the Geneva Convention specifically prohibits the detention of detainees until public ridicule or humiliation,” Victoria Clarke, Rumsfeld’s spokeswoman, wrote in her 2006 memoir, “Lipstick on a Pig.” To “pacify some of our critics”, she obtained permission and launched 5 pictures.

People within the Pentagon noticed depictions of nameless prisoners fulfilling the obligations of the Geneva Convention to guard prisoners towards “public curiosity”.

In the world, creativeness made some folks merciless. He noticed degradation, sensory deprivation and subordination.

“Did I ever misread what was in those photos,” Clark wrote. “Instead of showing the care and concern with which we treated the detainees, the photos serve as high-octane fuel for our critics and skeptics.”

Some in Europe have been notably outraged. In Afghanistan and Pakistan, dragons surrounded English-speaking Muslims, a few of them from Western Europe, and have been being deported to Guantanamo Bay.

Afghan detainees sit of their cell at Camp X-Ray on the US Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Saturday, February 2, 2002. (AP Photo/Lynn Sladkey)

“Shaved and confused,” mentioned a headline accompanying the image in Glasgow’s Sunday Herald. “Even our enemies have human rights,” declared London’s Independent on Sunday. “The Guantanamo Scandal,” mentioned the headline of a blurb on the entrance web page of Le Monde. The Mirror Tabloid questioned the alliance between Prime Minister Tony Blair and Bush. “Mister Blair, what are you doing in our name?” A tabloid cowl with an image from the primary day mentioned.

“I think it’s a lack of visual literacy on the part of the military in this case,” mentioned Fred Richin, a former professor of images and imaging at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts and dean emeritus of the International Center for Imaging. images.

“The effort here, from what I understand, seems to have been done to try to corner the good guys who might be considered bad guys, while thinking that they were doing it in a humane way,” They mentioned. “Other people don’t see it that way.”

McCoy and Clark each mentioned the Pentagon failed to supply a full rationalization of what was occurring within the photograph.

“It was just this little piece of what happened there, without seeing the whole pie,” McCoy mentioned, “like taking some of the words out of context” and creating an alternate narrative.

The photograph confirmed a second when prisoners have been cross-legged on their knees, “so they can’t quickly get up and run away,” mentioned McCoy, who has seen regulation enforcement officers floor prisoners the identical means.

The caps and mittens have been to guard them from the chilly on the Kaveri cargo aircraft that introduced them from chilly Afghanistan. The blackout goggles and ear coverings have been meant to discourage a possible enemy from speaking and maybe plotting assaults. The turquoise masks have been meant to guard towards the attainable unfold of tuberculosis.

Without enough rationalization, McCoy mentioned, “You just look at the picture that pissed people off.”

“I have always believed that people should be able to see what the government is doing,” he mentioned. “The fact that I have a small piece of history doesn’t matter to me. I don’t mind documenting it inside the camp. If things have changed for the better, So that’s great. I’ve never seen any abuse.”

Rumsfeld tried to restore the harm by stating that the captives have been in transit and weren’t held as such. “I think a lot of people looked at it and said, ‘Oh my god, they’re being forced to kneel,’ which is not true,” he mentioned.

Camp Justice in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on Monday, September 20, 2021, which homes the court docket for detainees charged with warfare crimes. (Erin Scheff/The New York Times)

He declared it “probably unfortunate” that the photographs have been launched. The Pentagon stopped giving him out. By then the most important information companies had distributed them.

McCoy grew to become conscious of the response to his pictures and known as his mom. “I told him I caused an international incident. He said, ‘I’m so proud of you.’ She knew I was just doing my job.”

When Rumsfeld got here to Guantanamo later that month, the photographer pulled the boss apart and apologized. The protection secretary rejected the gesture, he mentioned, remarking that the sailor was performing his duties.

McCoy left the army in 2009 with a 100% incapacity ranking. Following his task at Guantánamo, he went on to a sequence of far-flung assignments, together with in Iraq, sporting heavy physique armor and heavy gear on the time. McCoy has 5 herniated discs in his again, dangerous knees, dangerous ankles and joint ache.

He nonetheless flaunts a digicam and sometimes wears a bulletproof vest at his present job. But the gadget is mild. On the street, he stays in motels and never at additional operational bases. His days of throwing himself out of a cruising helicopter together with his back and front packs and a sizzling 70-pound gear field are over. He drives the automobile for the task.

He mentioned he took much better pictures, a lot of them by no means launched.

A favourite from that day featured a feminine soldier, a kneeling prisoner who blurted out within the background. McCoy mentioned, as he believed, among the males in custody “didn’t have a lot of respect for working women.”

But none has been reprinted and reprinted fairly like that first day picture of the primary prisoners at Guantanamo Bay.

This summer season, whereas on trip together with his spouse and daughters, he noticed it in a efficiency at a Passive Penitentiary in Philadelphia, which as soon as featured Al Capone. “I had my name on it,” McCoy mentioned. “I’m not surprised to see it anywhere now.”

McCoy by no means thought that “after 20 years I would still see those photos in use.” That day, at that location, “I was thinking there was an opportunity for me to be the only photographer in the camp.” History was occurring and he had a particular, if just for Defense Department archives.

This article initially appeared in The New York Times.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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