India abstains in UNHRC vote on establishing unbiased fee of inquiry on Russia-Ukraine disaster


India on Friday abstained in a vote within the UN Human Rights Council that has determined to urgently set up an unbiased worldwide fee of inquiry on account of Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine.

The 47-member Council voted on a draft decision on the state of affairs of human rights in Ukraine. The decision was adopted with 32 votes in favor, two towards (Russia and Eritrea) and 13 abstentions, together with India, China, Pakistan, Sudan and Venezuela.

The international locations voting in favor included France, Germany, Japan, Nepal, UAE, UK and the US.

“The Human Rights Council has decided to urgently establish an independent international commission of inquiry as a result of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine,” the Council tweeted.

India has abstained on two resolutions on Ukraine within the 15-nation Security Council and one within the 193-member General Assembly within the final one week.

The UN General Assembly this week overwhelmingly voted to sentence Russian aggression towards Ukraine and demanded that Moscow “completely and unconditionally” withdraw all of its army forces from the territory of Ukraine. India abstained on the decision, which obtained 141 votes in favour, 5 towards and a complete of 35 abstentions.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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