One militant killed as two gunfights erupt in Jammu and Kashmir

One militant killed as two gunfights erupt in Jammu and Kashmir

The Jammu and Kashmir Police stated {that a} staff of safety forces killed a militant in a gunfight in north Kashmir’s Bandipora Wednesday afternoon at the same time as one other gunfight is raging in south Kashmir.

Police sources stated {that a} joint staff of J&Okay Police, military and paramilitary forces cordoned off the forest space of ​​Salinder in Bandipora after particular inputs concerning the presence of militants within the space. As the joint staff zeroed in on them, the militants opened hearth, making an attempt to interrupt the safety cordon. The forces fired again resulting in a gunfight. The police stated that the slain militant was a part of a lately infiltrated group and the forces are looking for two different militants.

“BandiporeEncounterReplace: One terrorist killed. One AK rifle, three magazines recovered. The killed terrorist was a part of a newly infiltrated terror group. Search for different two terrorists is in progress,” the J&Okay Police stated, quoting inspector common of police (IGP) Vijay Kumar.

Barely half an hour after the Bandipora gunfight, one other one started at Marhama village of Bijbehara in south Kashmir’s Anantnag the place a joint staff of forces cordoned off the world. Police sources stated that two militants are possible trapped within the village.

“Encounter has began at Marhama Bijbehara space of ​​Anantnag. Police and safety forces are on the job,” the police stated in one other tweet.

The Kashmir valley has seen a sudden improve in gunfights previously two weeks. On Tuesday, two militants had been killed in a gunfight in south Kashmir’s Dooru. On Tuesday, a civilian was killed whereas one other and a military soldier had been injured in two gunfights in south Kashmir’s Shopian. In each the gunfights, the militants managed to flee after the preliminary alternate of fireside.

On Sunday, two militants, together with a Pakistani commander, named Haider, had been killed in a gunfight at Cheyan Devsar village in south Kashmir’s Kulgam. A high Hizbul Mujahideen commander Mohammad Ashraf Khan alias Ashraf Moulvi was among the many three militants killed in a gunfight in Batkoot forests of Pahalgam in south Kashmir on Friday.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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