3 Lashkar terrorists killed in encounter in Anantnag: Police


Three terrorists had been killed in an encounter in South Kashmir’s Anantnag district on Saturday.

He mentioned {that a} joint crew of Jammu and Kashmir Police, Army and Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) launched a cordon and search operation in Kawarigam village of Anantnag after receiving particular details about the presence of terrorists within the village. As the joint crew was aiming on the goal, the terrorists opened hearth. The forces returned hearth, triggering a gunfight.

Police mentioned the trapped terrorists had been requested to give up, however they refused. “They (terrorists) fired indiscriminately at the joint search party, which in retaliation led to an encounter,” police mentioned. “In the ensuing encounter, three terrorists of banned terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba were killed and their bodies were recovered from the encounter site.”

The police have recognized the terrorists as Arif Hajam, a resident of Sadura, Basit Rashid Ganai of Oudsu Achabal and Suhail Mushtaq Bhat of Karimabad Pulwama.

Police mentioned Arif was LeT’s district commander and was energetic for practically three years and Basit had joined the terrorist ranks in April this yr.

Police mentioned the terrorists had been a part of a gaggle that was “involved in several terror crimes including attacks on security forces and atrocities on civilians.”

“IGP Kashmir congratulates the police and security forces for carrying out the successful operation without any damage in a very successful and professional manner,” the police mentioned in a press release.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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