Pakistan shuts down Karachi amid new Covid surge


Amid an alarming rise in COVID-19 circumstances, Pakistani authorities have imposed a lockdown in southern Sindh province, together with the business hub of Karachi and different city centres.

Despite protests from the federal authorities and the native enterprise group, the lockdown started on Saturday and can final till August 8.

Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah stated on Friday {that a} sudden improve in virus circumstances within the provincial capital Karachi has led to a flood of hospitals. The new surge seems to be linked to plenty of actions that attracted crowds through the Muslim vacation of Eid al-Adha earlier this month.

The Sindh provincial authorities is closing all markets besides pharmacies, bakeries, fuel stations and grocery shops, which should nonetheless stay closed by 6 pm, with all transport between cities halted and public buses plying. Private vehicles and taxis are restricted to 2 individuals.

The ongoing examinations in faculties and universities have additionally been postponed until after the lockdown.

Nationwide, Pakistan on Saturday recorded 65 deaths and 4,950 new virus circumstances within the final 24 hours. The South Asian nation has reported 1,029,811 confirmed circumstances and 23,360 virus-related deaths because the begin of the pandemic.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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