America ends its 20-year-old battle in Afghanistan


The United States has declared the top of its 20-year-old battle in Afghanistan because the final US navy flight took off from Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul shortly earlier than the August 31 deadline.

US Central Command Commander Marine Corps General Frank McKenzie informed reporters through a digital information convention, “I am here to announce my withdrawal from Afghanistan and the end of the mission to evacuate American citizens, third country citizens and vulnerable Afghans.” “

“Every single American service member is now out of Afghanistan,” McKenzie mentioned, saying the formal finish of America’s longest battle, lower than a fortnight earlier than the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, through which al-Qaeda terrorists blew up the Twin Towers in New York.

The terrorist assault compelled the US to enter Afghanistan and overthrow the Taliban regime, which then supplied secure haven to the al Qaeda management.

The Taliban regime was overthrown and changed by US-backed Afghans, who dominated the nation for 20 years, throughout which a number of basic elections have been held. That rule was overthrown by the Taliban on 15 August when President Ashraf Ghani abruptly fled the nation and 300,000 Afghan Armed Forces troopers educated by the United States gave up with no struggle.

General Kenneth Mackenzie, Jr., commander of US Central Command, seems on display screen from McDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., as he speaks about Afghanistan throughout a digital briefing on the Pentagon in Washington on Monday Huh. , August 30, 2021. (AP photograph)

The Taliban, now the ruling power in Afghanistan, welcomed the departure of US troops from the nation.

“Congratulations to all our compatriots and our beloved country and the Mujahideen: Today, all foreign forces left our pure and martyred land,” the Taliban mentioned in a Persian tweet.

Special US Representative for Afghan Reconciliation Zalmay Khalilzad mentioned in a tweet: “Our war in Afghanistan is over. Our brave soldiers, sailors, sailors and airmen served with distinction and sacrifice to the end. They have our enduring gratitude. And there’s respect.”

“With the departure of our army and the many allies standing by us, Afghans face a moment of decision and opportunity. The future of the country is in their hands. They will choose their path in absolute sovereignty. This is their chance to end their war as well,” he mentioned.

“The Taliban are actually dealing with a take a look at. Can they lead their nation to a safe and affluent future the place all their residents, women and men, have the chance to succeed in their potential? Can Afghanistan current to the world the sweetness and energy of its numerous cultures, historical past and traditions? He mentioned in one other tweet. WhyA

General McKenzie mentioned there have been no US residents on the final flight.

“While the military evacuation is complete, the diplomatic mission to ensure additional US citizens and eligible Afghans who wish to leave continues. Tonight’s withdrawal marks both the end of the military component of the evacuation, but also the end of a nearly 20-year mission that began in Afghanistan shortly after September 11, 2001. It is a mission that brought Osama bin Laden together. Along with many of his al Qaeda co-conspirators,” he mentioned.

“And it was not an inexpensive mission. Cost 2,461 US service members and civilians killed and over 20,000 injured. Sadly, this contains 13 service members who have been killed by an ISIS-Okay suicide bomber final week. We honor his sacrifice right now as we keep in mind his heroic achievements, McKenzie mentioned.

President Joe Biden set August 31 because the deadline for the withdrawal of US troops in Afghanistan.

Republican National Committee (RNC) President Ronna McDaniel mentioned? fail? The withdrawal from Afghanistan has left many Americans behind.

“Joe Biden left the Americans behind. His choice to trigger this catastrophe and spare Americans and our pursuits proves what all of us already knew. Joe Biden is unable to function commander in chief and America and the world are much less safe due to him,” she mentioned.

“As Biden makes an attempt a victory lap on his failed Afghanistan return, Americans stay trapped behind Taliban strains. To the women and men of America’s Armed Forces and their households, Americans will at all times honor the sacrifice that you just and your family members made for our nation,” McDaniel mentioned in an announcement.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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