BJP calls for Punjab authorities probe into ‘vaccine profiteering’


By: Express News Service | Chandigarh, Lucknow, New Delhi |

June 6, 2021 4:23:44 am

The AAP on Saturday mentioned the Punjab authorities’s transfer to withdraw vaccines offered to personal hospitals proves {that a} “vaccine scam” is occurring within the state, the AAP mentioned on Saturday, saying the opposition social gathering led by Captain Amarinder Singh Continuing to focus on the federal government. Making an inquiry and demanding that “heads should be rolling”.

AAP’s Harpal Cheema, who can be the Leader of Opposition (LoP) within the Punjab Assembly, mentioned that by ordering the withdrawal of vaccines from non-public hospitals, Health Minister Balbir Singh Sidhu has admitted that the state authorities has dedicated an enormous ‘vaccine rip-off’. ‘ has executed.

Cheema demanded that Balbir Sidhu be instantly faraway from the cupboard and prison case needs to be registered in opposition to him and people concerned within the vaccine rip-off.

The AAP chief mentioned that at a time when individuals have been anticipating assist from the federal government, the federal government was making an attempt to loot their cash. “The people of Punjab had the right to free vaccination and the government should take action in this regard,” he mentioned.

Meanwhile, the BJP has fielded Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri to focus on the Amarinder Singh authorities, with the BJP chief saying that the state authorities’s determination to withdraw the controversial order exhibits that there’s some “mess” within the matter. “It was.

Taking a jibe at Congress President Sonia Gandhi and her son Rahul Gandhi, Puri mentioned he questioned the Modi authorities over the availability of vaccines when his authorities in Punjab was allegedly profiteering Rs 38 crore by promoting jabs to personal hospitals.

“Government profiteering should cease. There needs to be an inquiry to convey the information within the public area,” Puri said in a virtual press conference, adding that “heads ought to roll”.

He additionally sought to know the “nature of funds” wherein cash obtained by the state authorities from non-public hospitals was deposited.

Citing a communication from the Punjab authorities, he mentioned that it purchased the Kovishield vaccine for Rs 412 per dose, however offered it to personal hospitals for Rs 1000 and in return they took Rs 1,560 from the individuals. He alleged that two non-public hospitals in Mohali charged individuals Rs 3,000 and Rs 3,200.

Objecting to the Punjab authorities’s assertion that its determination was not taken in the correct spirit, Puri mentioned it pointed to the concealment of the tradition of corruption and impunity within the Congress. He alleged that the corruption of the Congress needs to be taken calmly.

The Punjab authorities on Friday withdrew its order, following criticism from the opposition for “diverting” Covid vaccines to personal hospitals.

Puri alleged that the rationale for the withdrawal of the order by the Punjab authorities displays the “poverty and incompetence” of the ruling authorities within the state, which “takes its inspiration from Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi”.

Bahujan Samaj Party chief Mayawati additionally focused the Punjab authorities, saying that profiteering in the course of the Emergency is indecent and inhuman.

In a tweet in Hindi, Mayawati mentioned, “The Congress authorities of Punjab is shopping for COVID-19 vaccines from the Center for Rs 400 (every) and promoting them to personal hospitals for Rs 1,060 as an alternative of passing the advantages to the individuals via the federal government. Hospital. Profiteering throughout emergency is indecent, inhuman, condemnable and intensely unhappy.

From this it’s clear that there was an absence of seriousness within the stand and statements of the Congress on vaccines to date. He mentioned that the demand of the BSP is that the Center ought to take cognizance of this.

The Center on Friday wrote to the Punjab authorities looking for clarification on studies that it offered Covaxin to personal hospitals and made a revenue.

With PTI inputs

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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