BJP targets Kejriwal for doorstep supply of ration scheme


Hitting out at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for attacking the Center over the Centre’s transfer to cease doorstep supply of the ration scheme, the BJP claimed that the central authorities has dedicated a “big scam” to divert backed meals grains.

Speaking at a digital press convention on Sunday, BJP spokesperson Sambit Patra alleged that Aadhaar card authentication in Delhi is zero, whereas the nationwide common is 80%, and that the Kejriwal authorities had earlier stopped working POS machines that require biometric verification. enable.

“It does not mean that there is no way to ascertain whether food grains are being delivered to the needy or being diverted,” he alleged.

“Kejriwal blamed the Centre, but the truth is that more than 72.78 lakh people are benefiting from the Food Security Act,” Patra stated. Under the PM Garib Kalyan Yojana, which offers free ration to the poor in May and June, the Delhi authorities has to date lifted 53,045 MT of the 72,782 MT meals grains despatched by the Center and solely 68% of it. distributed, he added. stated.

Patra additionally alleged that the Delhi authorities’s scheme is a rip-off as individuals can be charged cash to get wheat flour as a part of it.

Responding to Patra’s allegation, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia stated: “He stated we wish to cost a further payment. Mr Patra ought to learn the Centre’s pointers. It is clearly written that if somebody desires wheat to be floor with flour, then Rs 3 might be charged for it. Our plan says we are going to cost Rs 2 and ship the flour to their houses. Your drawback will not be Rs 2, your drawback is that ration will attain individuals’s houses, and BJP won’t be able to take it.

He stated: “I anticipated the BJP to grasp that giving ration to individuals at residence was a step in the fitting route…, however I used to be mistaken. Sambit Patra abused the CM of Delhi many occasions right this moment, however I can’t reply it by leaning on him.

Sisodia accused the BJP of constant the present system, saying it advantages them: “They want us to close our eyes to theft and theft…”

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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