Central authorities ought to take steps to take away muddle of vaccine imports: Maharashtra minister


Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope stated on Friday that numerous state governments, which are attempting to import Kovid-19 vaccines from overseas, will face hurdles until the central authorities intervenes.

He stated that the central authorities must also formulate a nationwide coverage for the import of vaccines in order that the method might be streamlined.

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Talking to reporters after presiding over the overview assembly of COVID-19 in Pune, Tope stated that though Global tenders Released by the Maharashtra authorities and the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) have acquired some backlash, there are a number of flaws within the submitted bids.

“Until the Indian government intervenes and formulates a national vaccine import policy, states will continue to face hurdles. In response to the global tenders issued so far, several firms have come forward, but there are flaws in the bids. Some companies, such as Pfizer, have made it clear that they will negotiate with the national government and not with individual states. So the central government should intervene and resolve the issues, ”stated Tope.

In the GST Council assembly held on Friday, the state has additionally demanded the Central Government to provide exemption to medicines and gear wanted to struggle the Kovid epidemic.

“This is an important demand of the state. Today, many states pushed for the exemption as it would help them in the fight against Kovid, ”stated Deputy Chief Minister and State Finance Minister Ajit Pawar.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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