China has deployed a lot of troops in Ladakh: Army Chief MM Naravane


China has deployed a lot of troops in Ladakh, which Army Chief General MM Naravane mentioned stays a matter of concern.

His assertion got here forward of the thirteenth spherical of talks between the 2 international locations on the Ladakh standoff and withdrawal of navy forces.

“China has deployed a considerable number across Eastern Ladakh and the Northern Front up to our Eastern Command. Certainly, there has been an increase in their deployment in forward areas which remains a matter of concern for us,” Naravane was quoted as saying by information company ANI.

“We are commonly monitoring all their actions. Based on the inputs now we have obtained, we’re making comparable developments when it comes to infrastructure in addition to troops, that are required to counter any risk. For the time being, we’re absolutely ready to cope with any scenario.”

Naravane reached East Ladakh on Friday For a two-day go to to assessment operational preparedness within the area. Upon his arrival, the Army Chief visited the Rejang La War Memorial, which is near Rejang La and Rechin La, from the place Indian and Chinese forces have been displaced in February.

By February, the 2 armies have been stationed with their troops and tanks just a few hundred meters away on this space. Since then, the 2 sides have additionally been separated by the Gogra Post, however the scorching springs stay a friction zone.

Besides the new springs, Chinese troops are stopping Indian troops from reaching their conventional patrol factors within the Depsang plains near the strategically vital Daulat Beg Oldi base within the north. In Demchok too, “so-called citizens” had pitched tents on the Indian facet of the LAC.

On 16 September, Union External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar met China’s State Counselor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Dushanbe. According to the MEA, the 2 leaders “exchanged views on the current situation” alongside the LAC in japanese Ladakh. Jaishankar had famous the separation within the Gogra Post, “though there were still some outstanding issues that needed to be resolved”.

The final dialogue, the twelfth spherical, occurred on 31 July, throughout which each side agreed to withdraw from the Gogra submit at Patrolling Point 17A.

Naravane had earlier mentioned that Incidents will proceed to occur on the border between India and China until the border settlement is reached. between the 2 international locations.

“… we have an outstanding boundary issue. We are again prepared to face any misadventures that may happen as we have demonstrated in the past … Incidents like this will continue to happen when Until there is a long-term solution, and that is the border agreement. And that should be the thrust of our efforts so that we have a lasting peace on the northern (China) border,” he had mentioned.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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