Don’t use abbreviated type for exams: NTPC to Railways


India’s largest energy producer NTPC has requested railways to not use its Railway Recruitment Board Non-Technical Popular Categories Examination – the acronym for RRB NTPC – in order to not injury the fame of the facility producer through the ongoing protests. .

There have been widespread violent protests in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh By job aspirants on alleged discrepancies in Railway Recruitment course of for Non-Technical Popular Categories.

NTPC calls upon the Railways to make clear that the facility generator was not hooked up to the examination and use the complete type of the recruitment scheme within the press launch.

In a letter to the railways, the corporate mentioned, “However, we are confident that the railways is taking all necessary steps to deal with the situation. NTPC Ltd. is unintentionally caught in the crossfire.” The firm urged the Railways to alter the title of the examination to keep away from confusion in future.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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