Ek Thi Begum 2 actress Anuja Sathe: ‘People did not count on such a powerful position from me’


Actress Anuja Sathe says the upcoming season of her internet present Ek Thi Begum It is stuffed with challenges to your character. Being a hero was a dream come true for Anuja, who’s all set to reprise the position of Ashraf Bhatkar within the MX Original crime-drama.

“Whatever emotion Ashraf has, it goes up a notch. Rather it has increased. She is more focused and will encounter lots of new characters and new obstacles. It is going to be more dramatic and an action-packed series,” Anuja informed indianexpress.com.

Ek Thi Begum 2 follows the story of Ashraf, who takes up weapons, abandoning his vulgar picture by the hands of his underworld rivals, to avenge the dying of her husband Zaheer. After his plans are thwarted within the first season, Ashraf returns below the pseudonym of Leela Paswan, who vows to overthrow Don Maqsood’s unlawful empire whereas dominating the underworld, police and politicians.

Anuja shared that it was solely a matter of time that the tales of the feminine dons who dominated again within the day had been delivered to gentle. “The underworld is a theme that was conceived fully round males, the male don. But within the late ’80s and early ’90s, there have been many ladies who had the braveness to face as much as him and construct their very own empire. The time had come for the individuals to find out about him.”

Inspired by real-life incidents, Ek Thi Begum debuted in April final 12 months. Anuja claims that she needed to be able to tackle her tough position, which additionally concerned studying the right way to use a gun. According to him “it’s hard to fire a gun and say your dialogues at the same time.”

“When you hearth, you blink robotically. So my motion grasp taught me some tips. It was a bit awkward at first however later I managed to do it. I’ve an athletic physique and I like feminine actors. Love watching the motion being taken by me. I’m fortunate that I acquired to do the identical. I knew I’d be capable of full it due to my physique composition,” stated Anuja.

Not solely is Anuja in motion in Ek Thi Begum, however her Ashraf additionally flaunts her daring aspect. She traps her enemies with honey. So did the daring scene cease him? Anuja stated that she stands by no matter she does for her character. “When I settle for a job, I do it with utmost sincerity. Even if individuals do not prefer it, it would not hassle me after some time. It’s extra in regards to the satisfaction I get after engaged on one thing that I actually wished. Yes there have been some reactions the place individuals stated that they didn’t count on such a powerful position from me as I had a sure picture in thoughts. But an actor ought to by no means be caged and allowed to discover. People classify you, actors by no means classify themselves. If they accepted me to play Radhabai in Peshwa Bajirao, a loving spouse in Parmanu or Begum right here, I’m certain they’d settle for me in any character.

Anuja selected actor Resham, who performed a journalist from the present, as her favourite co-star with Ankit Mohan, who performed the position of “my expensive lifeless husband. We are nonetheless in contact, She shared.

Anuja concludes by revealing what Ashraf has left behind after two seasons. She stated, “It made me notice that I’m as robust and decided as Ashraf. In the primary season, I met some actual life bar dancers, to painting Ashraf as a bar dancer Sapna. This made me notice that I I’m very lucky to have such a safe upbringing. There was a way of gratitude and self-realization.”

Ek Thi Begum 2 will start streaming on MX Player on September 30. Directed by Sachin Darekar and Vishal Modhave, the sequence additionally stars Ajay Gehi, Shahab Ali, Chinmay Mandlekar, Vijay Nikam, Hitesh Bhojraj and others.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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