Euro 2020: Munich need rainbow-colored stadium for Germany-Hungary conflict


Hungary might play its closing group sport on the European Championships in a stadium lit up with the colours of the rainbow.

Munich Mayor Dieter Reiter mentioned on Sunday he was going to jot down a letter to UEFA asking Germany’s stadium to be lit with colours as an indication towards homophobia and intolerance when the staff performs Hungary on Wednesday.

“It is an important sign of tolerance and equality,” Reiter advised the information company DPA.

Munich’s metropolis council on Tuesday known as for the stadium to be illuminated in rainbow colours for the ultimate Euro 2020 group sport to protest a regulation handed by Hungarian lawmakers that portrays homosexuality or sexual reparations with minors. Prohibits the sharing of any content material. The regulation has been denounced by human rights teams as anti-LGBT discrimination.

“It is important for the state capital Munich to establish a clear gesture of solidarity with the LGBTI community in Hungary, which is suffering from the current strict homophobic and transphobic legislation of the Hungarian government,” the Munich Council mentioned in its utility.

UEFA because the organizer of the occasion could have the ultimate choice.

The Munich metropolis council accused Hungary of “following the example of Russia’s homophobic and transphobic law.”

“This law represents a new mark in the inviolability and suffrage of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender and intersex people (LGBTI) and adds to the law prevailing in Hungary for years and the systematic restriction of fundamental freedoms,” the council mentioned.

Germany captain Manuel Neuer has already donned an armband in rainbow colours for his staff’s group video games towards France and Portugal.

The council mentioned Munich is “committed to diversity, tolerance and equality in sport and society.”

But not everybody agrees.

Uwe Junge, a politician from the far-right AfD celebration, was reprimanded by celebration chief Elise Weidel for “going too far” on Twitter, wherein she used a homophobic slur to explain Neuer’s rainbow armband.

Munich Stadium was beforehand adorned in rainbow colours on the evening of July 9, 2016 to have fun Christopher Street Day.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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