Explosion within the Caspian Sea sector close to the Azerbaijani fuel area


A loud explosion rocked the Caspian Sea area, the place Azerbaijan has intensive offshore oil and fuel fields, and a pillar of fireplace erupted late Sunday, however the state oil firm mentioned none of its platforms have been broken.

The reason behind the eruption was not instantly recognized, however state-run oil firm SOCAR mentioned preliminary data indicated it was a mud volcano.

The Caspian Sea has a excessive focus of volcanoes that spew each mud and flammable fuel.

SOCAR spokesman Ibrahim Ahmadov was quoted by Azerbaijani information company APA as saying the explosion occurred about 10 kilometers (6 mi) from the Umaid fuel area, which is 75 kilometers (45 mi) off the coast of the capital, Baku.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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