Facebook bans Taliban, all supporting content material from its platform: Report


Social media big Facebook has mentioned it has banned the Taliban and all content material supporting it from its platform because it considers the group to be a terrorist group, in line with a media report.

The firm says it has a devoted group of Afghan consultants to watch and take away materials linked to the rebel group.

For years, the Taliban have been utilizing social media to unfold their message.

“The Taliban is recognized as a terrorist organization under US law and we have banned them from our services as part of our dangerous organization policies. This means that we remove accounts created by or on behalf of the Taliban and bar their praise, support and representation,” a Facebook spokesperson mentioned. BBC.

“We also have a dedicated team of experts from Afghanistan, who are native Dari and Pashto speakers and have knowledge of the local context, which helps us identify and alert to emerging issues on the forum,” the spokesperson mentioned. “

The social media big mentioned it doesn’t make choices concerning the recognition of nationwide governments, however adheres to the “rights of the international community”.

Facebook highlighted that the coverage applies to all of its platforms, together with its main social media networks, Instagram and WhatsApp.

However, there are experiences that the Taliban is utilizing WhatsApp to speak.

Facebook instructed BBC If he finds accounts on the app linked to the group, he’ll take motion.

The brutal conflict in Afghanistan reached a climax on Sunday as Taliban insurgents sealed off Kabul and captured the presidential palace earlier than coming into town, forcing President Ashraf Ghani to flee the nation.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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