FIFA urges broadcasters to ‘pay ladies’s video games’ value for 2023 World Cup rights

FIFA urges broadcasters to ‘pay ladies’s video games’ value for 2023 World Cup rights

FIFA has rejected a number of bids for the 2023 Women’s World Cup broadcasting rights as being too low, with the physique’s chief enterprise officer Romi Guy saying they urged broadcasters to grab the “opportunity” supplied by the ladies’s sport. referred to as upon.

Guy, who was appointed to the position earlier this 12 months, mentioned the bids didn’t replicate the recognition of girls’s soccer and highlighted the file viewers figures for the 2019 World Cup. A FIFA report revealed in 2019 said that 1.12 billion spectators attended the event, which was gained by the United States. “It’s not a case of being out of price, but a testament to broadcasters’ lack of willingness to pay for women’s sports,” Guy instructed Bloomberg in an interview revealed Thursday.

“Audience figures show that the 2019 Women’s World Cup in France was a catalyst for change in terms of TV viewership. “We know there’s alternative for ladies’s soccer. Now, we have to seize this collectively.” Guy instructed Bloomberg that bids from Italy, Germany, France and the United Kingdom had been turned down, however didn’t point out which broadcasters had submitted bids.

The World Cup will start subsequent 12 months in Australia and New Zealand from July 20. The draw for the ultimate of the event will happen in Auckland on Saturday.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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