Foreign Secretary Shringla on a 4-day go to to Sri Lanka from October 2


Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla can be on a four-day go to to Sri Lanka from Saturday to take inventory of the general ties and overview the progress of some ongoing bilateral initiatives.

Announcing the go to, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on Friday stated that Sri Lanka occupies a central place in India’s ‘neighbourhood first’ coverage.

“At the invitation of Sri Lankan Foreign Secretary Admiral Jayanath Colombe, Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla will pay an official visit to Sri Lanka from October 2 to 5,” the overseas secretary stated.

“Sri Lanka occupies a central place in India’s ‘neighbourhood first’ coverage. Foreign Secretary’s go to displays the significance of the 2 international locations to strengthen their shut and cordial relations in all areas of mutual curiosity.

The MEA stated Shringla’s go to would supply a chance to overview “our bilateral ties, progress of ongoing bilateral projects and ongoing cooperation to deal with disruptions related to Covid”.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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