How did the Sun trigger a radio blackout within the areas across the Atlantic on July third?


Around 8 p.m. on July 3, the solar emitted a big photo voltaic flare that was noticed by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. Solar flares are magnetic storms emanating from the Sun, releasing the vitality equal of some million hydrogen bombs that explode on the similar time.

During a photo voltaic flare, extremely energetic charged particles are ejected from the Sun at speeds near the velocity of sunshine. These rays can disturb the Earth’s ionosphere area, which performs an necessary position in radio communication. US NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center tweeted {that a} robust radio blackout occurred in some areas across the Atlantic Ocean on July 3.

“When the radiation, energetic particles and solar plasma material released during solar flares interact with Earth’s magnetosphere and ionosphere, it produces strong geomagnetic storms. This induces strong currents at ground level that travel along the polar routes. But it can trip electric power grids in countries located at high latitudes, affecting air traffic,” explained Professor Dibyendu Nandi of the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Kolkata. He added that sensitive satellite sensors can also be damaged. “In addition, the radiation ionizes Earth’s higher ambiance, altering situations within the ionosphere, which is essential for high-frequency radio communications utilized by protection businesses, airline operators and emergency companies,” he stated.
One of the most important impacts of photo voltaic flares in historical past resulted within the failure of a big portion of the North American energy grid. On March 13, 1989, an influence outage occurred in Quebec, Canada, lasting greater than 12 hours, and radio alerts have been jammed on account of photo voltaic flares. NASA famous that some satellites spiraled uncontrolled and the TDRS-1 communications satellite tv for pc recorded greater than 250 anomalies as a result of the excessive vitality from the flare affected its delicate electronics.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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