In key political assembly, J&Ok leaders demand restoration of statehood, PM focuses on delimitation, elections


In a three-and-a-half-hour assembly to chalk out a roadmap for future political motion in Jammu and Kashmir, leaders of the Union Territory on Thursday raised the demand for restoration of statehood to Jammu and Kashmir with Prime Minister Narendra Modi. .

The assembly, held on the PM’s official residence in Delhi, was a big step in the direction of the return of elected representatives to finish the central rule imposed in June 2018 and subsequent meeting elections within the two Union Territories – Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. as seen.

During the interplay – the primary time because the abrogation of Jammu and Kashmir’s particular standing below Article 370 and its bifurcation into two union territories on August 5, 2019 – PM Modi stated that he’s ‘Delhi ki far’ as effectively Want to take away ‘Dil Ki Door’. Distance from Delhi in addition to distance of coronary heart) together with Jammu and Kashmir, information company PTI reported.

The Prime Minister insisted that delimitation train should be accomplished Before the elections within the area and stated that an elected authorities will strengthen the event path of Jammu and Kashmir. “Our priority is to strengthen democracy at the grassroots level in Jammu and Kashmir. Delimitation should be done at a fast pace so that elections can be held and J&K gets an elected government which will give strength to the development path of J&K,” he tweeted after the assembly.

Speaking to PTI after the assembly, which was attended by 14 leaders from Jammu and Kashmir, National Conference President and former Chief Minister Farooq Abdullah stated that he urged PM Modi to work in the direction of constructing confidence within the area in order that to make sure that its full state is restored.

“There has been a loss of trust which needs to be restored immediately and for that the Center should work towards giving full statehood to Jammu and Kashmir,” Abdullah was quoted as saying by PTI. “I advised the Prime Minister that the state additionally meant returning the IAS and IPS cadres of Jammu and Kashmir. The state needs to be in totality.”

Omar Abdullah talking to reporters after the assembly.

Reiterating Abdullah’s demand, his son and former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah stated, “We told the PM that we do not stand by what was done on August 5, 2019. We are not ready to accept it. But we will not take the law into our hands. We will fight it in court. We also told the PM that there has been a breach of trust between the state and the Centre. It is the duty of the Center to restore it.”

Mehbooba Mufti, Chief of Peoples Democratic Party and former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir, talked about the hardships being confronted by the residents of Jammu and Kashmir after the occasions of August 5, 2019.

“The folks of Jammu and Kashmir are in numerous hassle after August 5, 2019. They are offended, upset and emotionally damaged. They really feel humiliated. I advised the PM that the folks of J&Ok don’t settle for the way in which Article 370 was abrogated unconstitutional, unlawful and unethical.

Mehbooba Mufti speaking to reporters after the assembly.

Congress chief Ghulam Nabi Azad stated his celebration raised 5 calls for through the assembly: early restoration of statehood, holding meeting elections to revive democracy, resettlement of Kashmiri Pandits in Jammu and Kashmir, launch and domicile of all political prisoners. Restoration of guidelines.

People’s Conference chief Muzaffar Hussain Baig stated that there’s full unanimity for restoration of peace in Jammu and Kashmir.

“All the leaders demanded statehood. To which the PM said, first the delimitation process should end and then other issues will be taken care of. It was a satisfying meeting. There was complete unanimity to restore peace in Jammu and Kashmir,” Baig stated. Describing the assembly as “cordial” and “positive”, he stated PM Modi assured that he’ll do all the things to make Jammu and Kashmir a zone of peace as an alternative of battle.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah, who was current within the assembly, stated that the delimitation train and peaceable elections are vital milestones in restoring the statehood of Jammu and Kashmir. “We are committed to ensure all round development of J&K… Delimitation exercise and peaceful elections are important milestones in restoring statehood, as promised in Parliament,” Shah tweeted.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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