India beat Belgium 1-0 to achieve semi-finals, on the right track to avoid wasting junior hockey WC title


Defending champions India saved their title hopes alive after beating European giants Belgium by a single aim to achieve the semi-finals of the FIH Junior Men’s Hockey World Cup on the Kalinga Stadium right here on Wednesday.

India, who defeated Belgium 2–1 on their option to their title win within the closing version in Lucknow in 2016, continued to dominate the European aspect in junior hockey.

Shardanand Tiwary changing a penalty nook within the twenty first minute was sufficient for India to cement their place within the final 4.

The match was a traditional instance of the defensive class on each side, however the Indians did sufficient to outperform their opponents.

India will tackle final version’s bronze medalist Germany within the semi-finals on Friday. Six-time champions Germany beat Spain 3-1 in a shootout, whereas the 2 groups have been tied 2-2 in regulation time.

Belgium began off on the offensive and put stress on the Indian protection within the first jiffy.

But the Indian backline made good man-to-man markings and remained calm beneath the stress of denying Belgium.

Belgium made the primary hesitation within the thirteenth minute however Indian mentor Prashant Chauhan labored to disclaim Thibeau Stockbroix from shut vary.

India’s first aim got here just a few seconds from the primary quarter via a artistic Uttam Singh, however his effort was blocked by Belgian goalkeeper Boris Feldheim.

India’s confidence grew because the match progressed and in six minutes into the second quarter, Tiwary transformed their first penalty nook.

Vice-captain Sanjay Kumar’s dummy arrange Tiwary brilliantly and the dragflicker made no mistake in placing the ball into the online.

Two minutes later, Manjeet hit the aspect netting with a reverse hit.

Belgium received a penalty nook within the twenty sixth minute however Geoff de Winter’s flick went huge as India have been main 1-0 at half-time.

The Belgian got here out attacking within the third quarter, however failed to interrupt via the decided and decided Indian defence.

There was no clear probability for each the groups within the third quarter, however the Indians have been responsible of catching the ball, leading to fewer open probabilities.

Belgium have been all out within the fourth and closing quarter and managed the proceedings however the Indian protection did sufficient to thwart their opponents.

In the fiftieth minute, India’s second goalkeeper Pawan made an excellent diving save on his proper to maintain Roman Duvecott’s effort away from aim.

Trailing Belgium continued to push exhausting and secured a penalty nook within the 52nd minute, which was saved by the Indian defence.

Three minutes into the ultimate hooter, Belgium withdrew their goalkeeper for an additional participant and scored a penalty nook simply two minutes from the whistle, however as soon as once more, Pawan made a effective save to disclaim de Winter .

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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