Is it widespread to have shingles, a painful rash, after getting a covid vaccine? Experts Answer


Shingles, or herpes zoster (HZ), a viral an infection that causes a painful rash, is being reported in some circumstances post-Covid Vaccination, say the medical doctors. Saurabh Shah, a dermatologist at Bhatia Hospital Mumbai, is seeing 8-10 shingles sufferers in a month post-Covid vaccination, in comparison with 4 to 5 circumstances in pre-Covid instances. Last 12 months, on the peak of the an infection, he noticed a surge in circumstances.

“The reason for the increase in the number of cases may be due to the fact that COVID attacks the body’s immune system. HZ is caused by a virus similar to chicken pox – varicella zoster. As a child, we may have had chickenpox or had been vaccinated against chicken pox where the virus remains dormant in the dorsal root ganglion. However, under low immunity, it gets activated and affects the concerned skin(s) by causing a skin rash with blisters. Chicken pox appears more widely in the body whereas shingles is localized in certain parts of the body. When the body’s immunity gets compromised, the dormant HZ in the body gets activated and flares up,” defined Dr Shah.

Which components are normally affected?

Dr Nipun Jain, Senior Consultant, Dermatology, Shree Balaji Action Medical Institute mentioned that painful blisters on one aspect of the physique which might happen on the face, eyes, chest space and inner organs as effectively. “Also, since it affects the sensory nerves, many patients may have only pain rather than any obvious symptoms such as a rash or blisters. Generally, it develops in older adults due to compromised immune systems, but It can potentially affect adults and children as well,” he mentioned, including that “however, there is no clear link between the COVID vaccine and shingles”.

Earlier the pores and skin illness was generally seen in diabetic sufferers and sufferers affected by malaria, dengue and typhoid, the place their Immunity The system was compromised, Dr Shah mentioned.

Could there be a potential hyperlink between the vaccine and HZ?

a paper revealed in Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research A case examine of a 68-year-old man in Turkey, the place 5 days after the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, he reported a ‘stinging sensation and ache from the appropriate aspect of his chest to his again’. According to May 2021 paper, bodily examination revealed a number of pinhead vesicular sores On an erythematous base that occupies an space on her proper breast space and corresponds to T3–T5 dermatomes. Simply put, the paper famous that since COVID-19 lowers cell-mediated immunity, it could additionally improve the chance of HZ.

Although the precise trigger stays unresolved, vaccine-induced immunomodulation attributable to attenuated alloreactivity as a result of dwell attenuated vaccines and inactivated vaccines could be the mechanisms chargeable for the reactivation of HZ. It added that epidemiological research are wanted to make clear the potential affiliation between vaccination and reactivation of herpesvirus an infection.

However, Dr Manoj Sharma, Senior Consultant, Internal Medicine, Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi is of the opinion that “primarily there is no connection with the virus”. “Basically, it can happen in anyone with low immunity, such as uncontrolled blood sugar or thyroid. Viruses that are already dormant in the body can reappear. This can lead to shingles,” he mentioned. Told


Although shingles may be handled with particular medicines, there is no such thing as a particular prevention towards it. “Cancer patients and people suffering from any disease severity and low immunity are suggested to be more aware in this regard,” Dr Jain mentioned.

Do not overlook to eat wholesome meals to extend immunity. and cut back irritation. (Photo: Getty Images/Thinkstock)

What are you able to do?

physician be aware that Immunity HZ is the important thing to stopping. After taking a covid jab, individuals’s immune techniques could go down for a couple of weeks as a result of the physique is producing antibodies. Some individuals who get the vaccine could have a weakened immune system that turns into extra compromised as a result of vaccine.

Dr Shah mentioned, “Before getting the vaccine, make sure your immunity is good by eating nutritious food, getting enough rest and sleep.” Dr. Sharma agreed, including, “Just keep the immunity in good shape. Control blood sugar. If the thyroid condition is abnormal, get it corrected. Old issues need to be addressed. “


According to Dr Sharma, the shingles vaccine is for people who find themselves immune-suppressed, have uncontrolled diabetes, or thyroid. The shingles vaccination offers tough protection for about 10 years.

“Patients usually come out of HZ with treatment in a week or two. But the pain caused by HZ can persist for a few weeks even after the rash has healed,” mentioned Dr. Shah.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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