Israeli police detain Palestinian activist twins from Sheikh Jarrah in East Jerusalem


Israeli police on Sunday detained two distinguished Palestinian activists who’ve develop into the face of a marketing campaign to cease Palestinian expulsion from a flashpoint East Jerusalem neighborhood.

Supporters of Muna and Mohamed al-Kurd, who’re twins, say their detention is a part of a broader Israeli effort to quell protests in opposition to the eviction in Sheikh Jarrah, the place Jewish settlers have been compelled to depart al-Kurd’s house and others. Want to maneuver beneath one. Israeli court docket resolution.

Without explicitly naming 23-year-old Muna al-Kurd, an Israeli police spokesman mentioned: “Police arrested a suspect (23) beneath a court docket order, a resident of East Jerusalem, lately Sheikh Jarrah. on suspicion of collaborating within the riots in

Footage on social media confirmed him handcuffed and brought out of his house by Israeli authorities earlier on Sunday.

Police didn’t instantly touch upon his twin brother, Mohammed, who turned himself in at a police station in East Jerusalem after receiving police summons.

“What is happening is that they (Israel) want to silence all our voices in Jerusalem,” mentioned his father, Nabil al-Kurd, calling on Palestinian youth to protest exterior the police station on Salah al-Din road in East Jerusalem. known as upon.

A day after he was detained, police in Sheikh Jarrah arrested a reporter for the Qatar-based media community Al Jazeera, who was overlaying a protest there.

In October final yr, an Israeli court docket dominated in favor of Jewish settlers, who say some eight Palestinian households in Sheikh Jarrah live on land that used to belong to the Jews.

The Palestinians are interesting the choice within the Supreme Court of Israel, and the eviction is pending.

Anger over the proposed eviction helped spark 11 days of violence in Gaza between Israel and Palestinians in May, whose Islamic ruler Hamas has known as Israel’s coverage in East Jerusalem a “red line”.

Tensions may escalate in Jerusalem this week, when a Jewish right-wing march is predicted to cross by the previous metropolis’s Damascus Gate. An analogous march, whose route was modified on the final minute, was held on the identical day that the Israel-Gaza battle broke out.

Israel occupied East Jerusalem together with the West Bank and Gaza within the 1967 Middle East War. Palestinians need territory for a future state.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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