Italy’s Berlusconi guarantees prostitutes for his Monza soccer crew

Italy’s Berlusconi guarantees prostitutes for his Monza soccer crew

Former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi advised gamers of his Monza soccer crew he would convey them a bus filled with prostitutes in the event that they managed to beat a high Serie A rival, a video revealed on social media confirmed on Wednesday.

Berlusconi, who typically makes use of colourful language, was accused in 2011 of getting intercourse with an underage prostitute at one among his notorious ‘Banga Banga’ events. He was acquitted on attraction in 2015 after a choose dominated that he didn’t know she was a minor.

“I advised mates… Now you’ll play Milan, Juventus. If you win towards one among these high groups, I’ll convey a busload of prostitutes into the locker room,” Berlusconi, 86, mentioned in a video recorded at Tuesday’s Christmas dinner with Monza gamers.

The clip, which went viral, was broadly condemned by political opponents.

Daniela Sbrolini, a senator from the centrist Italia Viva celebration, known as it “typical Berlusconi anti-feminine language”. A joke in dangerous style that leaves you speechless”.

Later on Wednesday, Berlusconi wrote on Instagram that he couldn’t consider a “locker room joke” may spark such outrage, which he mentioned was because of the “complete lack of humor” of his critics.

Monza have been promoted to Serie A for the primary time final season and beat Juventus in September. They will play Inter and Juventus once more in January and face Berlusconi’s previous membership AC Milan in February.

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Berlusconi, a billionaire media mogul who owned AC Milan for 3 many years, purchased Monza in 2018. They are at present ranked 14th within the 20-team league.
Once probably the most influential determine in Italian politics, Berlusconi is now much less current, because of well being issues and the declining recognition of his Forza Italia celebration, a junior member of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s ruling right-wing coalition.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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