Left, RSS, Congress unions threaten agitation towards Centre’s transfer to interchange OFB with company entities


central authorities determination Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) dissolved And it has been changed by seven new protection public sector undertakings, opposed by three acknowledged unions of ordnance manufacturing facility employees with affiliations from the Left, the RSS and the Congress.

The federations threatened to launch a joint agitation if the choice was not withdrawn.

The three federations embrace the All India Defense Employees’ Union (AIDEF) which is affiliated with the Left, the Bharatiya Defense Mazdoor Sangh (BPMS), a department of the RSS-affiliated Bharatiya Mazdoor Sangh, and the Indian National Defense Workers’ Union (INDWF). ) of the Indian National Trade Union Congress.

BPMS common secretary Mukesh Singh stated, “We strongly condemn the cruel determination of the federal government and are decided to battle it. Yesterday, the reconciliation mechanism with the Chief Labor Commissioner got here to an abrupt finish as a result of cussed stand of the representatives of the federal government. We are additionally consulting with the opposite two acknowledged unions of workers.

AIDEF and INDWF common secretaries C Sreekumar and R Srinivasan respectively stated that the three federations would launch a joint agitation towards the federal government’s transfer.

In April, the three federations complained to India’s chief labor commissioner that their employers, the Defense Ministry’s Department of Defense Production (DDP), have been “blatantly violating” the reconciliation settlement reached between them in October final yr, when the unions The strike was postponed towards the corporatization of the Ordnance Factory Board.

The federations, of their criticism, had stated, “While the union and trade union are fully implementing the conciliation agreement at the unit level, the DDP has started violating the agreement by issuing a letter allowing the consulting firms to proceed with their work.” Is executed.”

OFB, an umbrella physique for Ordnance Factories and associated establishments, is presently a subordinate workplace of the Union Ministry of Defence.

While at the least three committees on protection reforms arrange by governments between 2000 and 2015 have really helpful corporatisation, it was not applied to this point. The idea of corporatisation was listed as one of many 167 ‘transformative concepts’ to be applied within the first 100 days of the second time period of the Narendra Modi authorities. One of the primary fears of workers is that corporatization will “eventually lead to privatization” and job losses.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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