‘Living Sculpture’ Daniel Lismore brings wearable artwork to London

‘Living Sculpture’ Daniel Lismore brings wearable artwork to London

British artist Daniel Lismore’s monumental items of “wearable art” Featuring every thing from garbage to elaborate headgear studded with jewels took heart stage at London’s Victoria and Albert Museum on Friday.

Guests had been invited to intently examine the almost 2-metre (6-foot, 4-inch) tall items, one in all which was worn by Lismore, who calls himself “a living sculpture”.

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“I’m not a performance artist or a drag queen, I just live as art,” he stated in an interview.

The items — that includes brightly coloured materials and metallic embellisments — took between two hours to eight months to place collectively and had been impressed by folks and objects from world wide, stated Lismore.

“There’s hundreds of stories in each piece,” he stated.

“There’s an honorary iD magazine cover. There’s a piece that I wore to Buckingham Palace for the Queen’s Platinum Party, There’s pieces from everywhere you can imagine, things I find on the floor, rubbish, pieces from Bulgari, pieces from all over.”

The piece he wore on Friday was amongst his heaviest, he stated, and featured gadgets of non-public significance.

“I wanted to put all my memories of over the years, from when I was a teen, when I was bullied and all these things that meant something to me throughout my life,” Lismore stated.

“And it had mirrors, it was to kind of reflect on whoever was looking at me so they could see themselves in me somehow.”

The artist, who made his London debut with the present, offered 12 items from his touring exhibition “Be Yourself, Everybody Else is Taken” which opened in Atlanta in 2016.

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With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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