Merit-based progress for intermediate semester college students in Gujarat


The Gujarat authorities on Friday introduced merit-based progress for intermediate semester undergraduate college students of all authorities and personal schools besides the present yr’s medical and paramedical programs. A choice on this regard was taken at a gathering of the core committee on Kovid-19 below the chairmanship of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani.

An official launch mentioned that it was determined to provide merit-based progress to about 9.50 lakh college students for the present yr, contemplating their well being within the epidemic.

The launch quoted Education Minister Bhupendrasinh Chudasama as saying that this choice has been taken in view of the influence on the instructing work in colleges and schools within the present yr because of the epidemic.

The launch mentioned that about 9.50 lakh intermediate college students within the second, fourth and sixth semesters (the place it’s intermediate) would profit from this choice.

In universities and schools the place there was no sensible examination, college students will get 50% marks primarily based on their inside evaluation and 50% marks primarily based on marks within the earlier semester.

In circumstances the place the experimental examination was carried out, the discharge mentioned, the marks obtained in these examinations might be thought-about. Chudasama mentioned that when the vaccination was occurring for individuals aged 18–44 and never all of them had been vaccinated, the choice was taken within the wider well being pursuits of the scholars.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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