Migrants condemn Mexico’s motion amid bilateral talks in Washington


Migrants touring to the US, principally from Central America and the Caribbean, stated Thursday that the Mexican authorities’s motion is preserving them “prisoners” within the nation’s south.

The migrant feedback contrasted Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador’s guarantees of humanitarian remedy forward of Thursday’s high-level assembly between Mexican and US officers in Washington, the place the 2 international locations agreed that poor areas would develop to gradual migration north. was a long-term answer. .

“Mexican authorities are abusing us migrants,” stated Guillermo Rivas, 25, of El Salvador, who stated he was crushed up by brokers at a detention middle within the southern metropolis of Tapachula.

Mexico’s immigration company, which runs the detention middle, didn’t instantly reply to a request for remark. Rivas stated he has been ready within the metropolis for about 5 months for asylum paperwork, which is able to enable him to maneuver round freely in Mexico.

“Tapchula is like a prison,” he instructed Reuters by phone on Thursday. “We are asking that Mexico open its doors to allow
To allow migrants to cross the country without any danger, abuse or abuse.”

Migration was one of many high points at high-level talks in Washington, the place officers agreed to advance growth packages in southern Mexico and Central America aimed toward tackling the financial causes driving immigration to the United States.

Ahead of the talks, López Obrador stated that Mexican officers and safety forces have “full and complete respect for the human rights” of migrants and commenced the Washington dialogue as the start of a “new phase” in migration politics.

“Today’s meeting is very important,” he stated, “as a result of no consideration has been paid to the inhabitants that it considers essential to migrate. For years there may be nothing; all the pieces is contained, all the pieces is coercive, and it not how one can clear up social issues.

“But within the lead as much as the bilateral discussions, Mexico confronted mounting stress from Washington to take quick steps to cut back immigration from the US, whilst frustration amongst immigrants in Tapachula boiled over and Hundreds left the town in a collection of caravans.

In response, Mexico deployed safety forces, together with the closely militarized National Guard, to dam typically violent teams, together with many households and younger youngsters.

“I had to risk my life to avoid arrest,” stated Max, a member of the Haitian caravan.

Describing how he threw himself below a bridge to keep away from being caught, he condemned the remedy meted out to him and different migrants by Mexican safety forces in current days.

“The migration process should not be like this,” he stated. The National Guard referred Reuters to Mexico’s immigration company, which stated in statements that it had suspended two brokers and that the company “condemns any aggression against migrants.”

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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