NASA captured a shocking picture of spiral galaxy NGC 4680


NASA has shared a shocking picture of the spiral galaxy NGC 4680 in all its glory. The picture is alleged to have been taken by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3. The NGC 4680 galaxy first made information in 1997, as a result of it hosted a supernova explosion known as SN 1997bp, in line with NASA. The supernova was recognized by Australian novice astronomer Robert Evans, who is alleged to have recognized 42 supernova explosions.

NASA says that NGC 4680 is a tough galaxy to categorise. The area company additional states that it’s because the galaxy is typically known as a spiral galaxy, however can also be typically categorized as a lenticular galaxy.


Lenticular galaxies are stated to fall someplace between spiral galaxies and elliptical galaxies. The NGC 4680 galaxy is alleged to have distinctive spiral arms that aren’t clearly outlined, and the tip of 1 arm seems to be very protruding.

NASA says that galaxies usually are not static, and their morphology adjustments all through their lifetimes. Over time, spiral galaxies are thought to have advanced into elliptical galaxies. NASA says it’s probably that the galaxies have merged with one another, inflicting them to lose their attribute spiral constructions.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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