Only Parliament can legislate for well timed disposal of disqualification petitions by Speaker: SC


The Supreme Court on Thursday mentioned it’s for the legislature to make legal guidelines for well timed disposal of disqualification petitions by the Speaker or the Speaker of the House beneath the Tenth Schedule of the Constitution.

A bench of Chief Justice NV Ramana and Justices AS Bopanna and Hrishikesh Roy mentioned, “How can we make laws? It is all a matter of Parliament.”

The high court docket was listening to a petition filed by West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee member Ranjit Mukherjee, who had sought a course to the Center to border pointers for presidents for well timed disposal of disqualification petitions.

During the listening to, advocate Abhishek Jebraj submitted that the petition has been filed for framing of pointers for deciding the disqualification petitions inside a stipulated time-frame. “We want a fixed time limit to be fixed as the Speaker is sitting on disqualification petitions and not taking timely decisions under the Tenth Schedule,” he mentioned.

CJI Ramana mentioned, “I have already expressed my opinion in the Karnataka MLA case. The issue was raised in that case also and senior advocate Kapil Sibal had also made his arguments on the same lines. We have left the decision to be taken by Parliament.”

The bench requested the counsel for the petitioner whether or not he had learn the judgment. Jebraj mentioned he had not learn the decision. “You learn the decision after which come again. We will hear the matter after two weeks.

On November 13, 2019, coping with the problem of disqualification of MLAs, the apex court docket mentioned that the Speaker doesn’t have the facility to specify by when an MLA will likely be disqualified or debarred from contesting elections.

This pertained to a choice of the Speaker by which the MLAs had been disqualified and barred from contesting any election to the current meeting which included by-elections to fifteen seats within the state.

The high court docket was referring to the then Speaker of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly R Ramesh Kumar’s choice to disqualify 17 MLAs until the top of the time period of the present fifteenth Legislative Assembly in 2023. While the highest court docket had upheld the disqualification, it had mentioned, “…it is clear that the Speaker, in the exercise of his powers under the Tenth Schedule, shall indicate the period of disqualification of a person or an election to any person.” There is not any energy to cease preventing.

The high court docket had mentioned the Speaker’s position was essential in sustaining a steadiness between democratic values ​​and constitutional issues, however “there is a growing trend of speakers acting against the constitutional duty of being neutral”.

It had mentioned that the constitutional accountability entrusted to the Speaker ought to be faithfully adopted and his political affiliation mustn’t are available the way in which of the choice.

In addition, political events bask in horse-trading and corrupt practices, thereby depriving residents of secure governments, it had mentioned.

The apex court docket had mentioned, “In these circumstances, Parliament needs to reconsider the strengthening of certain aspects of the Tenth Schedule, so as to discourage such undemocratic practices.”

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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