Pak go to for particular, slim objective: US Deputy Secretary of State


Calling on the US, Secretary of State Wendy Sherman mentioned on Thursday that she goes to Pakistan for a “very specific and narrow purpose” within the context of Afghanistan, and to make sure that she has entry to make sure the safety of everybody, together with India. has capability. and the U.S.

“It is for a really particular and slim objective, we don’t see ourselves as having a broader relationship with Pakistan. And we’re not focused on returning to the times of manipulative India, Pakistan. This is the place Not the place we’re. This will not be the place we’re going,” she mentioned whereas talking at Anant Aspen Center in Mumbai.

“But all of us must know what is going on in Afghanistan. We ought to all have one thoughts in our strategy to the Taliban. We all must guarantee that we now have the safety of everybody, together with India and the US. There are the mandatory capabilities to make sure. And so, I’m going to have some very particular conversations,” she mentioned.

She additionally mentioned that AUKUS and Quad “do not compete” and “they are all pieces of a puzzle to ensure that we have an open, free, interconnected and inclusive Indo Pacific”.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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