Punjab lifts curfew, orders reopening of eating places, malls


Lifting most restrictions after the COVID positivity fee in Punjab dropped to 0.4 per cent, the state authorities on Friday ordered lifting of weekend and night time curfews and permitting 100 indoor and 200 outside gatherings from July 12. Gave it.

Chief Minister Amarinder Singh additionally directed the state police chief Dinkar Gupta to challan all political leaders who violated the COVID norms throughout rallies and protest conferences.

He additionally ordered the opening of bars, cinema halls, eating places, spas, swimming swimming pools, gyms, malls, sports activities complexes, museums, zoos for many who have acquired not less than one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

However faculties will stay closed.

Colleges, teaching facilities and all establishments of upper training will probably be allowed to open by the Deputy Commissioners, offered that educating, non-teaching employees members and college students have acquired not less than one dose of the vaccine.

Announcing the easing of restrictions throughout a evaluate assembly, the CM mentioned that the usage of masks ought to be ensured always.

State Health Secretary Hussain Lal mentioned that 4 districts have proven positivity of 1 per cent or much less, however the districts which nonetheless want vigilance are Ludhiana, Amritsar, Gurdaspur, Hoshiarpur, Ferozepur and Ropar.

The CM requested the involved departments to take ahead Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) for early identification of recent COVID variant circumstances and to expedite the mission for execution of MoU with ICMR for Regional Institute of Virology at Mohali. observe from

Though no new case of Delta Plus variant was recognized within the state, the CM directed that the WGS lab at GMCH Patiala, which is coming with the help of Path, ought to be purposeful this month. According to a authorities assertion, PATH has knowledgeable that the machine is prone to be put in by July 25.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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