Raavan Leela Trailer: Prateek Gandhi’s Bollywood Debut Questions Superstition, Deserving Successor to 1992 Scam


Prateek Gandhi goes to debut in Bollywood with Raavan Leela. And in the event you thought that he can be seen taking part in Lord Ram within the costume drama, then you might be on the unsuitable facet of the divide. The Scam 1992 actor shall be seen taking part in the position of the demon king Ravana. The trailer of the movie dropped on Thursday and hints at a troublesome story that questions the hypocrisy and double requirements of the society.

After ruling the charts final yr with a stellar efficiency as Harshad Mehta in 1992’s Scam, Prateek Gandhi is again on display. And those that had doubts about his craft shall be mesmerized after watching the trailer of Raavan Leela. If a trailer can go away such a profound influence, we will solely hope that the movie begins a dialog about how we interpret faith.

Ravana Leela is about in Khakhar village which is prepared for the annual Ram-Leela. Prateek performs Raja Ram Joshi, a spirited actor who will get the position of Ravana on stage, however falls in love with the lady portraying Sita (Aindrita Ray), in actual life. As the 2 turn into deeply concerned of their characters, the strains begin to blur and each battle blind religion within the society. Will Ravana and Sita meet in actual life or will they succumb to these round them blindfolded by pretend spiritual beliefs, unable to distinguish between the actual and the reel?

The closing scene within the trailer, a candid dialog between Prateek Gandhi and co-actor Ankur Vikal, is a scene-stealer. Prateek asks Ankur why solely Ravana turns into his villain regardless of Rama insulting his legendary sister Shurpanakha and slicing off his nostril.

Raavan Leela has a outstanding music and background rating that appears to teleport the viewers to the hinterland of Gujarat. The colour palette of the movie additionally appears interesting, and it additionally has a supporting forged together with Ankur Bhatia, Abhimanyu Singh, Rajesh Sharma, Ankur Vikal, Rajendra Gupta, Gopal Singh and others.

Directed by Hardik Gajjar, Raavan Leela can have a theatrical launch on October 1.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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