Raja Kumari: ‘It’s a lot enjoyable being a girl on the planet of males’


“Queen, queen, don’t forget you are a queen”.

In quick, it is the message of hope that Rani Cypher, Raja Kumari’s newest monitor, delivers in all of its neon-hued glory. Message of Asha is as fascinating as its beat, with its choreography establishing Raja Kumari in addition to the 4 rappers – Siri, Meba Ophelia and D MC – as queens who raise one another up.

In an interview with indianexpress.com, Raja Kumari spoke on the music, which is her collaboration with Absolute. “I needed to have a one-woman music on my thoughts for some time. And I feel with Queen Cypher, we have been in a position to accomplish this due to the artistic management and freedom that got here with this undertaking. I used to be in a position to get Meba, Siri and Dee on board, artists I respect and have been listening to. So, I’m actually grateful for that.”

When requested who she thought of because the queen in her life, Raja Kumari referred to as her mom as her ‘final queen’. “I don’t know how she manages to do everything at once, yet she remains so beautiful, kind and tough too. So, my mom is the kind queen that I want to be,” she mentioned.

“Rani Cypher”, because the music’s title reads, options Raja Kumari speaking about how troublesome it’s for ladies given their gender. Elaborating on the identical, the rapper mentioned, “This is a sample of me speaking in the first episode of MTV Hustle. I talked about how I think women have to work harder and do more. I sometimes joke that my male counterparts just splash water in their faces and roll their hats backwards on stage but women are expected to perform at another level. However, I agree that being a woman in a man’s world is a lot of fun. So, I won’t change it in any way.”

She added that she advises and encourages ladies to “make sure they really believe in their craft and hone it because if you’re talented and you work hard, there’s no one who can.” Take it away from you.”

The music additionally talks about crushing the ‘male ego’. “Women will always have to fight and navigate the world of male ego. We come from a very patriarchal society, but I think things are changing,” she voiced.

On the work entrance, Raja Kumari typically works in India and overseas. Talking in regards to the distinction in nationwide and worldwide area, Raja Kumari mentioned that there’s a must create infrastructure for budding musicians in India.

“I feel there’s an infrastructure for songwriters and musicians within the United States. I stay in Los Angeles. So, even earlier than I used to be a signed songwriter in 2012, I used to be nonetheless going to go to varied songwriting classes and share my songs. Was in a position to be taught from friends. I feel tradition is lacking in India. This is one thing I’d like to carry right here, camp tradition, like writing camps and songwriting platforms and issues like that. I imagine That is, having grown up within the United States and Los Angeles, I used to be within the mecca of pop music, so I used to be in a position to work with Timberland and be within the room with Dr. Dre and be taught from all these main label, international artists. ”, replied Raja Kumari.

Raja mentioned that his goal is to supply a platform the place deserving and gifted artists get an opportunity to share their artwork and their story. “I’m really invested in getting more women to have more opportunities than I was able to, and I hope to be able to create them in India,” she mentioned.

Does he assume rap tradition provides women and men equal alternatives? “No there isn’t. I don’t think there is equality for women and men anywhere in the world.”

“When a woman can feel safe walking home alone at night, we really have equality. When women can decide what happens to their bodies, we really have equality. And when one Women are paid the same for equal work, so maybe we’ll have equality,” she replied, “In rap tradition, I feel there aren’t as many ladies as doable. However, I anticipate ‘Queen Cypher’ ‘ Will encourage extra of them to give you their very own music. There are platforms which are accessible. I’m always looking out for extra feminine artists. I’m right here and I wish to nurture this scene and discover actual expertise I wish to, and wish to be sure that ladies proceed to essentially communicate their voices, out loud.”

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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