Ruling BJP slams PCMC chief for ‘opposing’ money profit scheme for poor, calling him anti-poor


An argument has erupted in Pimpri-Chinchwad with the ruling BJP together with Mayor Usha Dhore, accusing Municipal Commissioner Rajesh Patil of being anti-poor and allegedly foiling the social gathering’s try to offer money assist to the poor. Commissioner Patil, nonetheless, pointed to the rule e book the place the Maharashtra Corporation Act doesn’t enable civic our bodies to offer direct money advantages to the poor.

A confrontation broke out when Patil refused to permit the BJP to offer Rs 3000 assist to the poor. However, the saffron social gathering alleged that the municipal company chief had earlier given verbal approval for it.

Mayor Usha Dhore stated, “During the pandemic and the lockdown, the poor have suffered quite a bit. Many individuals have misplaced their jobs and earnings. Hence, as a humanitarian gesture, the BJP had determined to offer Rs 3000 assist to the poor together with autorickshaw drivers, barbers and avenue distributors. However, the PCMC commissioner has reneged on the promise after repeatedly promising that he would act on our request.

BJP House chief Namdev Dhake stated, “Only after dialogue with Commissioner Patil on this subject, BJP had introduced to offer 3000 rupees to the poor. After their oral approval, we handed the decision by the Standing Committee and the General Assembly. However, as an alternative of beginning the distribution of economic help, Patil wrote a letter to the divisional commissioner asking him to assist. Actually, they need to have despatched the letter to the state authorities’s city improvement division.

Dhake and Dhore stated that the Municipal Commissioner has the correct to offer a good thing about Rs 3000 to the poor in at present’s state of affairs.

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Dhake stated, “The Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act clearly mentions the tasks and powers of the Municipal Commissioner. Under Section 66 of the Act, the Commissioner has the ability to provoke measures to alleviate the miseries of the residents in occasions of calamity. Accordingly, throughout the Corona pandemic, residents are inside their rights to provoke measures to assist the outstanding poor residents. “

The mayor stated, “It is obligatory on the commissioner to implement the decision of the civic body… Whenever we met the municipal commissioner, he never said ‘No!’ Said no. He was always positive about helping. But all of a sudden he instead of the state government sent the letter to the divisional commissioner on May 11. It was an attempt to delay the help. It seems that the commissioner was in a position to help the poor. Not interested at all, he is anti-poor. Looks like he is working under pressure from certain sections.”

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Responding to the BJP’s allegations, the PCMC chief stated, “There isn’t any provision underneath the Maharashtra Municipal Corporation Act to offer direct money advantages to residents. Under sections 63 and 66 of the Act, PCMC can’t present direct monetary advantages to the economically weaker sections of the society. We can’t implement the choice to offer Rs 3000 to the residents.

Councilor Raju Misal, who’s the Leader of Opposition in PCMC and belongs to NCP, stated, “Though the choice to offer Rs 3000 help to the poor is an efficient one, the BJP went forward and introduced it with out checking the ruling e book. The ruling BJP is making an attempt to focus on the commissioner which is an try to cover his failure.

Meanwhile, Shiv Sena corporator Rahul Kalate accused the BJP of “playing with the gallery by making an announcement which has no provision in the law”.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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