SpaceX lands NASA launch contract for mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa


Elon Musk’s non-public rocket firm SpaceX was awarded a $178 million launch service contract for NASA’s first mission to concentrate on Jupiter’s icy moon Europa and whether or not it is going to be in situations appropriate for all times, the area company stated Friday. can host.

The Europa Clipper mission is because of blastoff in October 2024 on a Falcon Heavy rocket owned by Musk’s firm Space Exploration Technologies Corp. from Kennedy Space Center in Florida, NASA stated in an announcement posted on-line.

The contract marked NASA’s newest vote of confidence in Hawthorne, the California-based firm that has carried a number of cargo payloads and astronauts to the International Space Station for NASA in recent times.

In April, SpaceX was awarded a $2.9 billion contract to construct the lunar lander spacecraft for the deliberate Artemis program, which might take NASA astronauts again to the Moon for the primary time since 1972. But that contract was suspended after two rival area firms, Jeff Bezos. Blue Origin and protection contractor Dianetics Inc. opposed SpaceX’s choice.

The firm’s partially reusable 23-story Falcon Heavy, presently essentially the most highly effective operational area launch car on the earth, flew its first industrial payload into orbit in 2019. NASA didn’t say what different firms might have bid on the Europa Clipper launch contract.

The probe is to conduct an in depth survey of the ice-capped Jovian satellite tv for pc, which is barely smaller than Earth’s moon and a number one candidate within the seek for life elsewhere within the Solar System.

A twist in Europa’s magnetic area as noticed by NASA’s Galileo spacecraft in 1997 seems to be attributable to a geyser drifting by means of the moon’s frozen crust from an unlimited subsurface ocean, researchers concluded in 2018. Those findings supported different proof for Europa plumes.

NASA stated the aims of the Clipper mission would come with producing high-resolution photos of Europa’s floor, figuring out its composition, on the lookout for indicators of geologic exercise, measuring the thickness of its icy shell, and measuring the depth and salinity of its ocean. dedication is included.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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