Taking Hippocratic Oath long-standing follow, shouldn’t be abruptly stopped: TMC MP Santanu Sen


TMC MP Dr Santanu Sen speaks to Kaunain Sheriff M on the National Medical Commission’s proposal of changing the Hippocratic Oath with Charak Shapath.

Why did you increase the demand for giving the choice of the Hippocratic Oath for medical doctors?

I raised this difficulty as a result of there was a number of confusion throughout the medical fraternity after the National Medical Commission made a suggestion that the Hippocratic Oath taken by medical doctors throughout their commencement ceremony needs to be changed by a ‘Charak Shapath’. Taking the oath is a long-standing follow and shouldn’t be abruptly stopped.

You are a part of numerous official boards of the medical fraternity. Did you additionally talk about it with NMC?

Yes. Before elevating it in Parliament, I spoke to the chairman of the NMC in addition to the president of the medical training board of the NMC. Both didn’t have a transparent reply to the proposal. Later, the IMA mentioned the proposal of changing the Hippocratic Oath with Charak Shapath was ill-advised.

In your view, why did the proposal set off an argument?

For fairly a very long time, MBBS medical doctors have been preventing in opposition to the menace of mixopathy. But as IMA has mentioned, this (determination to exchange the Hippocratic Oath) was perceived as an try to advertise mixopathy. The medical system can’t be politicized.

What is your view on the proposal to exchange the Hippocratic Oath with the Charak Shapath?

First, Ayurveda medical doctors ought to proceed their custom — and take Charak Shapath. For MBBS college students, it needs to be stored non-compulsory. My private view is that nothing needs to be forcefully enforced. Both can co-exist.

Have you bought an assurance the federal government is not going to make Charak Shapath obligatory?

Yes. The Health Minister mentioned that nothing can be compelled. That taking Charak Shapath can be non-compulsory.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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