Taliban management of Afghanistan ‘very involved’ for ladies, minorities: Malala


Shocked by the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan, Malala Yousafzai, the youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate, has mentioned she is “deeply concerned” for the ladies, minorities and human rights advocates residing within the conflict-torn nation.

The 24-year-old rights activist, who was shot within the head by Taliban militants in Pakistan’s Swat area in 2012 for campaigning for women’ schooling, urged world and regional powers to name for a direct ceasefire and supply support to civilians. Afghanistan.

“We watch in complete shock as the Taliban take control of Afghanistan. I am deeply concerned about women, minorities and human rights advocates,” she tweeted on Sunday.

“Global, regional and local powers must call for an immediate ceasefire, provide immediate humanitarian aid, and protect refugees and civilians,” Malala wrote.

The long-running warfare in Afghanistan reached a climax on Sunday when Taliban insurgents entered Kabul and captured the presidential palace earlier than getting into town, leaving President Ashraf Ghani with fellow civilians and foreigners. He was pressured to flee the nation.

After the collapse of the remaining two cities, Mazar-e-Sharif and Jalalabad, in a single day, Taliban insurgents started marching in the direction of Kabul.

Malala was shot by native Taliban militants in December 2012 for a girls’s schooling marketing campaign within the Swat Valley in northeastern Pakistan.

Seriously injured, he was taken from one navy hospital in Pakistan to a different and later to the UK for remedy. After the assault, the Taliban issued a press release saying they’d goal Malala once more if she survived.

At the age of 17, Malala grew to become the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for her schooling advocacy in 2014, when she shared the coveted honor with India’s social activist Kailash Satyarthi.

Unable to return to Pakistan after her restoration, the famend activist moved to Britain, based the Malala Fund and supported native schooling advocacy teams specializing in Pakistan, Nigeria, Jordan, Syria and Kenya.

She started her marketing campaign on the age of simply 11, when she started writing a weblog for the BBC’s Urdu service in 2009 about life below the Taliban in Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, the place they have been banning ladies’ schooling. Were.

Malala accomplished her levels in philosophy, politics and economics from the celebrated Oxford University in June final 12 months.

In 2007, Islamic militants took over the world and imposed a brutal regime. Opponents have been murdered, folks have been publicly flogged for alleged violations of Sharia regulation, girls have been banned from going to markets and ladies have been barred from going to highschool.

The Taliban, who oppose ladies’ schooling, have destroyed tons of of faculties in Pakistan.

The Taliban dominated Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001, however following the September 11, 2001 assaults on the United States, the militant group’s brutal rule ended as they have been ousted from energy by US-led forces in 2001.

However, the group has been on the offensive in latest months and has now regained energy.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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