Thomas Lovejoy, biologist who championed biodiversity, dies at 80


Thomas E. Lovejoy, a outstanding conservation biologist credited with popularizing the time period “biological diversity”, has died. He was 80 years previous.

His demise was introduced Saturday by George Mason University, the place he was the director of a Sustainable Earth Institute and the Amazon Biodiversity Center, which he based.

Lovejoy started referring to organic range – the wealthy range of life on Earth – within the late Seventies. Later abbreviated to biodiversity, it has grow to be one of the crucial necessary subjects of the period of local weather change.

A number one extinction researcher, Lovejoy discovered that habitat destruction, air pollution and world warming had been snuffing out species world wide. He known as for the restoration of forests to encourage the redevelopment of native vegetation and animals, and to guard massive tracts of water and land.

Lovejoy was additionally concerned within the founding of American public tv’s “Nature,” the venerable present that includes beautiful movies from ecosystems world wide. At the time of the present’s debut in 1982, he was working for the World Wildlife Fund.

Lovejoy’s analysis introduced him to the Amazon within the Nineteen Sixties, and he grew to become a passionate advocate for tropical rainforests. He helped run a venture to save lots of and restore fragments of threatened forest in Brazil.

The National Geographic Society granted Lovejoy a grant in 1971 to check rainforest birds within the Amazon, and over the 5 a long time that adopted, he performed numerous roles with the society.

“Knowing Tom was like knowing an extraordinary scientist, professor, mentor and unshakeable champion for our planet,” National Geographic CEO Jill Tiefenthaler wrote in a weblog submit.

He additionally served as a science and environmental adviser to the Smithsonian Institution, on the World Bank, and beneath a number of completely different presidents.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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