Timeline of greater than 40 years of conflict in Afghanistan


The former Soviet Union marched into Afghanistan on Christmas Eve in 1979, claiming that it had been invited by the brand new Afghan communist chief, Babarak Karmal, and set the nation on a path of 40 years of infinite wars and battle. .

After the humiliation of the Soviet Union, America was the subsequent nice energy to maneuver in. After the terrorist assaults of September 11, 2001, the US invaded to oust the Taliban regime, which had harbored al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden.

After practically 20 years, the US is ending its conflict in Afghanistan, withdrawing the final US troops.

A US-allied authorities laid low with corruption and division has been left behind, which should forestall Taliban insurgents from transferring ahead amid stalled peace talks. Many Afghans worry that the subsequent chapter will see their nation plunge into anarchy and inter-federal combating between warlords.

An Afghan flag is unfurled throughout the handover ceremony of the US army to the Afghan National Army at Camp Anthony in Helmand province in southern Afghanistan, Sunday, May 2, 2021. (Press Office of the Afghanistan Ministry of Defense by way of AP, File)

Here’s a timeline of a few of the key dates for Afghanistan’s 40-year wars:

December 25, 1979 The Soviet Red Army crossed the Oxus River and entered Afghanistan. In neighboring Pakistan, the Afghan mujahideen, or Islamic holy warriors, are assembled, armed and financed by the US for an anti-communist conflict. More than 8 million Afghans fled to Pakistan and Iran, the primary of a number of waves of refugees in many years.

Nineteen Eighties – The CIA’s covert Operation Cyclone funnels weapons and cash for the conflict by way of Pakistani dictator Mohammad Zia-ul Haq, who calls on Muslim nations to ship volunteers to combat in Afghanistan. Bin Laden is one in all 1000’s of volunteers.

1983 President Ronald Reagan met Mujahideen leaders on the White House, calling them freedom fighters.

September 1986 The US provides the Mujahideen with shoulder-mounted anti-aircraft Stinger missiles, which change the course of the conflict. The Soviets started negotiations on withdrawal.

February 15, 1989 – Last Soviet soldier leaves Afghanistan, ending 10-year occupation

April 1992 – Mujahideen teams enter Kabul. The fleeing Najibullah was stopped on the airport and positioned below home arrest at a UN compound.

1992-1996 — The division of energy among the many Mujahideen leaders breaks down they usually spend 4 years combating one another; Much of Kabul has been destroyed and round 50,000 individuals have died.

1994 – The Taliban emerged in southern Kandahar, occupied the province and established a rule following a strict interpretation of Islam.

September 26, 1996 — Taliban seize Kabul after barely combating throughout the nation; Northern Coalition forces retreat north in the direction of the Panjshir Valley. The Taliban hanged Najibullah and his brother.

1996-2001 – Although initially welcomed to finish the combating, the Taliban dominated with a heavy hand below Mullah Mohammad Omar, imposing strict Islamic orders, denying ladies the best to work and ladies to highschool . Punishment and execution are carried out in public.

March 2001 – Taliban Dynamite World’s largest statue of Buddha in Bamiyan province, to world shock.

September 2001 – After the 9/11 assaults, Washington gave Mullah Omar an ultimatum: hand over bin Laden and destroy terrorist coaching camps or put together for an assault. The Taliban chief refused.

October 7, 2001 The US-led coalition launched an invasion of Afghanistan.

November 13, 2001 – The Taliban flee Kabul to Kandahar because the US-led coalition marches with the Northern Alliance into the Afghan capital.

December 5, 2001 – The Bonn Agreement is signed in Germany, giving a lot of the energy to the Northern Alliance’s key gamers and reinforcing the warlords who dominated between 1992 and 1996. Hamid Karzai, an ethnic Pashtun like a lot of the Taliban, has been named President of Afghanistan.

December 7, 2001 Mullah Omar left Kandahar and the Taliban regime formally collapsed.

1 May 2003 – President George W. Bush declares “mission accomplished” because the Pentagon says the nice combating in Afghanistan is over.

2004 and 2009 – In two basic elections, Karzai was elected president for 2 consecutive phrases.

Summer 2006: With the US trapped in Iraq, the Taliban’s resurgence gathered momentum with growing assaults. Soon they start to re-capture the countryside to the south.

5 April 2014 There are many flaws within the election of Karzai’s successor and each the entrance’s contenders Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah declare victory. American brokers struck a cope with Ghani as president and Abdullah as chief govt, ushering in an period of divided authorities.

December 8, 2014 – US and NATO troops formally finish their fight missions, transitioning to a help and coaching function. President Barack Obama authorizes US forces to conduct operations in opposition to Taliban and al-Qaeda targets.

2015-2018 – The Taliban grew additional, staging virtually every day assaults focusing on Afghan and US forces, and capturing practically half the nation. An Islamic State group ally emerges within the east.

September 2018 – Following his election promise to carry US troops dwelling, President Donald Trump appointed veteran Afghan-American diplomat Zalmay Khalilzad as a negotiator with the Taliban. The talks final till 2019, though the Taliban have refused to carry talks with the Kabul authorities and escalate assaults.

September 28, 2019 – Another sharply divided presidential election is held. Ghani has not been declared the winner as of February 2020. Abdullah shrugged off the outcomes and made his inauguration. Months later, an settlement is reached to put in Ghani as president and Abdullah as the top of the peace negotiating committee.

August 18, 2019 – The Islamic State group detonated a suicide bombing at a marriage in Kabul’s Hazara space, killing greater than 60 individuals.

February 29, 2020 The US and the Taliban signed a deal in Doha, Qatar, setting a timetable for the withdrawal of about 13,000 US troops nonetheless in Afghanistan and committing the rebels to halt assaults on Americans.

September 12, 2020-February 2021 – After months of delay, Taliban-Afghan authorities talks started in Qatar, sparked by a number of periods and finally making no progress. Ghani turned down provides of a unity authorities, whereas the Taliban caught to a ceasefire with the federal government.

March 18, 2021 Moscow hosts a one-day peace convention between rival Afghan sides, after the US proposes a draft peace plan. The Taliban and authorities negotiators haven’t sat down on the desk since failed makes an attempt to revive talks.

April 14, 2021 – President Joe Biden says the remaining 2,500-3,500 US troops in Afghanistan shall be withdrawn by September 11 to finish America’s “forever war”.

2019-present Violence escalates in Kabul. IS carries out brutal assaults together with a maternity hospital and a college, killing newborns, moms and schoolgirls. In addition, a wave of unclaimed and mysterious assaults has been on the rise, together with shootings at automobiles, killings and sticky bombs, spreading worry amongst Afghans.

May 2021-Present – The rise of Taliban on the bottom accelerated. Many districts within the north, outdoors Taliban strongholds, are below insurgents, generally barely combating. Ghani calls a public mobilization, arming native volunteers, a transfer that dangers complicating many factions.

2 July 2021 – The United States arms over Bagram Airfield to Afghan army management after the final troops at Base Leave. The relocation of Bagram, the middle of US army presence in Afghanistan all through the conflict, alerts {that a} full withdrawal of US troops is imminent, which is predicted lengthy earlier than Biden’s September 11 timetable.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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