Tom Holland hints at one other superhero return in Spider-Man No Way Home: ‘Our jaws have been on the ground’


Tom Holland is about to put on a Spidey swimsuit as soon as once more within the upcoming Spider-Man: No Way Home, but when rumors and fan theories are to be believed, Tom will not be the one one carrying his Spider-Man swimsuit In this. Fans have been abuzz with talks concerning the return of Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire from their respective universes. In a current interview, Tom stated that he shot with a mysterious character for “one of the best scenes I’ve ever shot”, main followers to imagine Andrew and Toby is likely to be again. Huh.

In dialog with Empire journal, Tom shared that the aforementioned ‘cool’ scene featured him as a mysterious character alongside Peter Parker, Marisa Tomei’s Aunt May and Jon Favreau’s Happy Hogan. When requested concerning the different Spider-Man’s return, Tom did not say a lot and simply stated a plain, “I don’t know.” He added that if the actors are returning, they haven’t been knowledgeable but. “I am always in the dark. If they are, no one told me,” he stated.

Talking about his favourite scene, Tom stated, “It’s four people sitting at a table talking about what it’s like to be a superhero, and it was amazing. The other day we had this scene. Behold, my brother and I, and our jaws were on the floor.” The content material of the scene actually hints that there should be one other superhero on the desk.

Andrew Garfield, who performs Spider-Man in The Amazing Spider-Man franchise, beforehand shared with Variety that he wasn’t “aware” of his involvement in No Way Home. He stated, “I understand why people are freaking out over the concept because I’m a fan too. You can’t help but be ‘Oh, my god, how cool*** cool it would be if they did this?’ Imagine the scenes and moments of. But it’s important for me to say on the record that it’s not something I’m aware of that I’m involved in. But I know I’m not going to say anything that would hurt anyone Rest assured I don’t know what’s going on.. No matter what I say, I’m f***ed. It’s either going to be really frustrating for people or it’s going to be really exciting Going to do.”

Directed by Jon Watts, Spider-Man: No Way Home additionally options the return of Alfred Molina as Doctor Octopus and Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange. The movie’s first trailer additionally hinted on the return of Willem Dafoe because the Green Goblin.

Spider-Man: No Way Home is releasing on December 17.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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