Ukraine has no success, however eyes on NATO, Russia and talks


The United States and NATO on Wednesday rejected key Russian safety calls for to de-escalate tensions on Ukraine, however held talks with Moscow to debate different points comparable to arms management, missile deployment and methods to stop army incidents. The risk of negotiations was left open.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has demanded that the 30-nation army alliance halt its growth and withdraw troops or army gear from neighboring international locations comparable to Ukraine, but in addition NATO allies comparable to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Speaking after a gathering of the NATO-Russia Council, US Secretary of State Wendy Sherman confirmed that a few of Putin’s safety calls for are “merely non-starters.”

“We will not close the door on NATO’s open-door policy,” he advised reporters after practically 4 hours of talks on the army group’s headquarters in Brussels. “We are not going to agree that NATO cannot expand further.”

The assembly, the primary of its type in two years, was convened amid deep issues within the West that Russia is planning to invade Ukraine, with some 100,000 battle-ready troopers, tanks and heavy army gear now close to Ukraine’s jap border. are large.

“Escalation does not create optimal conditions for diplomacy, to say the least,” Sherman mentioned.

Russia denies that it has a brand new plan to assault its neighbour.

Nevertheless, in 2014, Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine and supported a separatist insurgency in jap Ukraine. The combating there killed greater than 14,000 folks in seven years and devastated Ukraine’s industrial area, often called the Donbass. Both the EU and the US have imposed sanctions on Russia for its crackdown on Ukraine.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, who chaired the assembly on Wednesday, mentioned each NATO international locations and Russian envoys “expressed the need to resume talks and explore the schedule of future meetings.” Sherman additionally expressed optimism, noting that Moscow has not rejected the thought of ​​talks.

Stoltenberg mentioned NATO appears ahead to discussing methods to stop harmful army incidents or accidents and cut back house and cyber threats, in addition to speaking about arms management and disarmament, together with setting agreed limits on missile deployment. Is.

But Stoltenberg mentioned any dialog about Ukraine wouldn’t be simple.

“There are significant differences between NATO allies and Russia on this issue,” he advised reporters, after “a very serious and direct exchange” with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko and Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin. mentioned.

Stoltenberg underlined that Ukraine has the best to determine its future safety preparations by itself, and NATO will proceed to go away its door open to new members, rejecting a key demand from Putin that the army group restrict its growth. stops.

“Nobody else has anything to say, and of course Russia doesn’t have a veto,” he mentioned.

The NATO-Russia Council was the primary of its type assembly since July 2019. The discussion board was set 20 years in the past, however plenary conferences stalled when Russia’s annexation of Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula in 2014. It is just discovered sporadically.

Putin says Russia’s calls for are easy, however key elements of the proposals in paperwork that Moscow has made public – a draft settlement with NATO international locations and a treaty between Russia and the United States – had been rejected .

NATO must conform to cease all membership plans to cut back its presence not solely with Ukraine, but in addition in international locations like Estonia near Russia’s borders. In return, Russia will pledge to restrict its warfare sport in addition to finish plane buzzing incidents and different low-level hostilities.

Supporting such an settlement would require NATO to reject a big a part of its founding treaty, which it says might invite any European nation that would contribute to safety within the North Atlantic area. and might fulfill its membership obligations.

Earlier in Moscow, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov warned that Russia anticipated a fast reply.

“The situation with respect to European security and our national interests has reached a critical line,” Peskov mentioned in a convention name with reporters, branding NATO “an instrument of confrontation.”

“It is quite clear, therefore, that the expansion of this mechanism poses a threat to us,” he mentioned.

Peskov declined to say what measures Russia would possibly take if the talks in the end fail, including that Moscow would “not want to issue threats and ultimatums and warn that others will pay a high price, as will US officials.” We do.”

Meanwhile, within the US, Senate Democrats issued their White House-backed decision to impose sanctions on Russia if it sends its troops throughout the border to Ukraine. The measures will goal Putin, his prime civil and army leaders and main Russian monetary establishments.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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