US lawmakers introduce program to permit overseas college students to remain after research


A gaggle of US lawmakers have reintroduced a legislation within the House of Representatives to finish a program that permits overseas college students to remain within the nation for work after finishing their research below sure circumstances.

Congressman Paul A. Goser, together with Congressmen Mo Brooks, Andy Biggs and Matt Getz, launched the Fairness Act for Highly Skilled Americans, a legislation that might amend the Immigration and Nationality Act on Optional Practice Training (OPT).

“Which country enacts a program, but not a law, that rewards its businesses for firing civilian workers and rewarding them for paying foreign labor less than they do with foreign labor? United States. OPT to the program And it shows the complete abandonment of our own workers,” stated Gosar.

He first launched the Fairness Act for Highly Skilled Americans within the 116th Congress, and twice signed amicus briefs in help of American employees in a lawsuit towards the Department of Homeland Security to abolish OPT.

OPT is a visitor employee program administered by the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Goser alleges that OPT bypasses the H-1B restrict by permitting greater than 100,000 aliens admitted as overseas college students to work within the US for 3 years after commencement.

He argued that these overseas employees are exempt from payroll taxes, making them not less than 10-15 % cheaper than a comparable American employee.

“Landing the first job out of college will only become more difficult for young Americans as our universities formalize their role in crowdfunding the opportunities reserved for American graduates. For this reason, OPT should be abolished,” US TechWorkers founder Kevin Lin stated.

OPT overtly undercuts American employees, particularly high-skilled employees and up to date faculty graduates, by tricking employers into hiring obedient, low-cost overseas labor below the guise of “student training”. Offering encouragement, stated Rosemary Jenks, director of presidency relations, NumbersUSA. .

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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