US utilizing democracy as ‘weapon of genocide’ to incite battle: China on Biden Summit for Democracy


China on Saturday accused the US of utilizing democracy as a “weapon of mass destruction” to “incite division and confrontation” because it slammed Summit for Democracy organized by Biden administration, which Beijing portrays as a brand new frontier being constructed by the US to isolate itself to stop its rise.

Over 100 world leaders participated within the two-day summit, with Prime Minister Narendra ModiFriday concluded with a name to judge progress in safeguarding honest elections, defending human rights and combating corruption.

While the US eliminated China and Russia from the checklist of invitees, Beijing was livid over the invitation to the self-governing island of Taiwan, which China referred to as a gross violation of its ‘One China’ coverage, which considers Taipei an integral half. Chinese mainland.

“Concluding this Summit for Democracy, I want to send one final message that we know how difficult the task is ahead of us. But we also know that we are up to the challenge,” Biden mentioned. He mentioned whereas concluding the convention.

Biden mentioned the two-day digital gathering has demonstrated that the democratic world is all over the place.

He mentioned that autocracies can by no means extinguish the embers of freedom burning within the hearts of individuals world wide, in each a part of the world.

“We are committed to working with all who share those values, to shape the rules of the road that are going to govern our progress in the 21st century, including issues with cyber security and emerging technologies. involved so that future generations continue to enjoy the benefits of freedom and democracy, as we have,” Biden mentioned.

The Chinese international ministry, which has been attacking the summit over the previous few weeks, issued a prolonged assertion accusing the US of division within the identify of democracy.

“The division and conflict in the name of democracy is to be set back in history, and will bring nothing but turmoil and disaster to the world,” the assertion mentioned.

For too lengthy, the US has been imposing its political system and values ​​on others, pushing for so-called “democratic reforms”, abusing unilateral sanctions and instigating “color revolutions”, resulting in “disastrous consequences”. ” Has occurred.

“Democracy has become a weapon of mass destruction, used by the United States to interfere in the affairs of other countries,” the assertion mentioned. Weapon”.

The US sought to “throw democracy under the pretext of democracy, incite division and conflict, and divert attention from its internal problems. It sought to maintain its hegemony around the world, and undermine the international order with the United Nations.” and tried to undermine the worldwide order on the idea of worldwide legislation,” the assertion mentioned.

Pakistan, which had been invited to attend the summit together with India and the Maldives, dropped it, apparently after Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s late evening name to his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi on 4 December , the place he criticized the assembly, saying that America’s objective will not be democracy however hegemony.

Wang advised Qureshi that the US wished to defend its dominant place on the planet within the identify of democracy.

Stating that the US is “not a beacon of democracy”, the State Department assertion sought to painting China’s ruling Communist Party (CPC)-led one-party system as a People’s Democracy centered on social and financial growth Has been.

“China promotes its democracy in accordance with its nationwide circumstances and realities. China’s democracy is a democracy of the individuals. Its essence and core is that the individuals are the masters of the nation. ,

The Foreign Ministry mentioned that China covers all features of the democratic course of and all sectors of society. It is “the most broad-based, genuine and effective socialist democracy”.

It mentioned that with the elimination of absolute poverty, 1.4 billion Chinese individuals are actually shifting in direction of widespread prosperity.

“China has made the greatest progress in personal freedom in thousands of years, and the creativity of hundreds of millions of Chinese people has come to the fullest,” the assertion mentioned.

The State Department attacked the American political system as a “vetocracy” through which partisan pursuits have been positioned above nationwide growth.

“The dysfunction of American-style democracy is a fact that cannot be covered – the capital riot that shook the world, the death of George Floyd that sparked mass protests, the tragic misogyny of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the harsh reality For the rich to be rich and the poor to be poor,” it mentioned.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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