Visva-Bharati points second present trigger discover to professor who lodged FIR towards VC


Visva Bharati University has issued a second present trigger discover to a professor, who had filed an FIR towards the vice-chancellor, asking him to elucidate how he may give an announcement to the media concerning the case towards the VC.

An FIR was lodged on June 12 by Professor Manas Maiti of the Department of Physics at Shantiniketan police station towards Vice-Chancellor Vidyut Chakraborty for allegedly insulting and insulting him and another school members by making some “derogatory remarks” towards him within the assembly. was.

The central college on Monday requested Maiti to elucidate how he may give an announcement concerning the registration of an FIR towards the vice-chancellor. The college mentioned such remarks by the involved are “derogatory and prejudicial” towards the pursuits of Visva-Bharati.

A college supply mentioned Maiti has been requested to reply inside three days.

“A section of teachers associated with a Left body is working to defame the VC. They are working against the interests of Visva-Bharati and are obsessed with creating controversy by using only media. His voice is heard through the media, but not most of the employees who are angry with his conduct and want academic activities to continue. But this vast majority does not come out in the open. We will put an end to such practices by the Left union,” the supply mentioned.

Earlier on June 13, Visva-Bharati University authorities had issued a show-cause discover to Maiti accusing Maiti of displaying inappropriate conduct in the direction of the Vice-Chancellor and never following his directions throughout a digital assembly.

The Central University officers claimed within the discover that after asking them to talk on the problem of disbursement of salaries, Professor Manas Maiti “insulted” the VC and “attempted to derail the agenda by making wild allegations of shortage of some teachers”. alleged to have accomplished. ”, in the course of the assembly on June 8.

Maiti has been requested to reply to the allegations inside three days.

Meanwhile, the Jadavpur University Teachers’ Association (JUTA) on Monday alleged that Visva Bharati officers had been enjoying vendetta politics towards Maiti for registering an FIR towards the vice-chancellor.

Alleging that the VC has issued a false order towards the academics and different workers, forbidding them from making any assertion within the press, JOTA normal secretary Parthapratim Roy mentioned in an announcement: “Only those who are publicly vilified Willing to sing his praises. Will be allowed to do so.”

“Others will be silenced through chargesheets, show-cause notices etc.,” Juta mentioned, including to the vice-chancellor’s costs towards Professor Manas Maiti, for allegedly saying inappropriate issues on the June 8 assembly, all through the day. are fully baseless, as Professor Maiti didn’t even converse within the mentioned assembly.”

“We suspect that these allegations have been brought against Professor Maiti as he is a member of the executive committee of the Visva Bharati University Faculty Association (VBUFA) and has opposed the authoritarian methods of the vice-chancellor in the past,” Juta mentioned.

The All Bengal University Teachers’ Association (ABUTA) additionally condemned the professor’s suspension and demanded fast withdrawal of the suspension order.

With inputs from TheIndianEXPRESS

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